Orange County NC Website
DaQff~ <br />procedures, is accorded a thirty day period in which to make comments to the NRC <br />relative to the NRC staff finding, permit application and approval. For the Harris <br />application, the comment deadline is February 12, 1999. <br />The NRC's process for providing comment relative to permit and permit <br />modification applications is complex and appears to be designed to inhibit or <br />preclude public participation in its review and approval process. The public input <br />process requires that any concerned party submit comments or contentions to the <br />NRC as to perceived inadequacies in the NRC staff finding, permit application or <br />activity being permitted. The NRC staff reviews both the contentions and the <br />credentials or particulazs of the party making the contentions. If the staff deems that <br />the contentions may have validity and that the party making the contentions has a <br />legitimate or valid claim to being affected by the permitted activity, that party is <br />deemed to have the "standing" necessary to participate or intervene in the <br />application comment and review process. The fact that a party is deemed to have <br />standing and has submitted valid or potentially valid contentions does not <br />necessarily mean that the permit applicant will have to abandon or modify its plan. <br />The NRC may ultimately require that the applicant submit additional information or <br />it may deem that the contentions aze, in the final analysis, invalid. The NRC can <br />and does issue permits over the objections of all parties deemed to have standing. <br />Those parties may then appeal the NRC decision in the federal judicial system. It <br />does appear, however, that any parry having concerns about or objections to the <br />activity being permitted must get or have attempted to acquire standing before the <br />NRC to preserve or establish its right to appeal NRC decisions. <br />If Orange County wishes to intervene in the permitting process by establishing <br />standing before the NRC or preserve its right to a judicial appeal of an NRC <br />decision regazding the CP&L permit application, it must act immediately. The <br />County must fund and acquire the technical and legal assistance to evaluate CP&L's <br />proposal and permit application and to file the documents necessary to make <br />contentions and establish standing with the NRC. The estimated cost of these <br />consulting and legal services ranges between $12,000 and $18,000. While it may <br />ultimately be possible to convince other concerned local jurisdictions to fund a <br />portion of these costs, the comment period time frame is too short to allow for the <br />necessary intergovernmental consultations and legislative action and still complete <br />the consulting work. <br />RECOMMENDATION: As the Board decides. <br />