Orange County NC Website
02i01~99 14:31 HARMON~CURRAN.SPI ~ 19196443004-004 N0.113 D03 <br />~N, CLAN, SPl~LBERG & EISEI~R'ERG, L.L.P. <br />orange County Commissioners PIiIV1LEGED AND CONI4TDENTIAI. <br />February 1, 1999 ATTORNEY-CLLENT CONIM'UNICATId)N <br />Page 2 AND ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT <br />Register notice offers the public an opportunity to comment on whether this determination is <br />reasonable, or whether instead the proposed action poses a significant danger, such that the <br />hearing should be held before the license amendment is granted. These no significant hazards <br />comments are also due February l2. <br />If no such comments are made, or if the comments are rejected, Carolina Power & Light can go <br />ahead and put the new racks into the spent fud pool before'the hearing is completed ar even <br />started. This is a disadvantage to any members of the public who are seeking to litigate whether <br />the proposed license amendment is reasonably safe, because it gives the proposed action <br />momentuar that it otherwise would not have. <br />Later on in the proceeding, probably inmid-March, any party that has requested a hearing will <br />also be asked to submit "contentions," which set forth the issues that they wish to raise in the <br />hearing. Those contentions that are admitted ittto the hearing will determine the scope of the <br />issues that can be raised in the hearing. <br />Descript~ Af L,egat Services <br />As requested by the Board, I will prepare a Request for Hearing and Fetition to Irnervene on <br />behalf of the County, to be filed on February 12. Working with Gordon Thompson, I will also <br />prepare contentions challenging the safety of the proposed license amendment. I will also prepare <br />any reply filings that are necessary and attend any prehearing conference scheduled by the NRC <br />Incensing Board. <br />My fee for this work is $150/hour plus expenses, including copying (tt~ 5.151page, long distance <br />charges, postage, and travel costs- Although I will do most of the work on the case, I may <br />receive assistance from my partners or associate attorneys, who charge $l50/hour and $100/hour, <br />respectively. My estimate for completing the work is $6,t~0. Bills are sent out monthly, and <br />payment is expected withip 30 days. <br />In addition to the work described above,l would urge the Board to consider filing No Significant <br />Hazards Comments. Although it is difficult to gain reversal of No Significam Hazards findings, I <br />believe it is worthy of seriws consideration. The proposed amendment would make Shearon <br />Harris the largest spent fuel storage facility on the East Coast. with a very large inventory of spent <br />nuclear power plant foal. Consequently, an accident involving loss of coolant from the pool could <br />have very severe consequences. Moreover, as discussed above, it is worthwhile to try to stop the <br />the proposed expansion from gaining the momentum generated by pre-hearing implementation. <br />I estimate that preparation ofNo Significant Hazards comments would take an additional ten <br />hours of my time, costing $1,500. It would also require ih. Thompson to prepare an affidavit <br />