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it was moved and adopted to approve the Emergency Medical Services <br />Communication System Project ordinance Amendment. <br />(~'or aopy of Project Ordinance Amendment see page 59 of this <br />book.) <br />Item 12: The Tax Supervisor recommends certain personal property <br />assessments be confirmed. <br />The Tax Supervisor presented to the Board of Commissioners approxi- <br />mately 1,800 personal property tax assessments far the Boax'd confirmation. <br />The fifteen persons listed had appealed their assessment to the Board of <br />Commissioners. The Tax Supervisor recommends these appeals be denied. <br />Those persons appealing their assessment are: Pamela Jean Kyff, <br />Craig L. & Margaret'Mary Lister, Nicholas S. Louis, Elizabeth Allston <br />McKeithen, Jay $. Nicholas, Japhet Hezekiah Nonge, Erma Jean Smith, <br />Leslie Ann Snell, Wen Ping Wang, Retford Muhammad Omane $erko, Alva <br />Maria Edmonson and Paul Michael Garbielson. <br />The Tax Supervisor read letters of appeal from Betsy Terrell 8urrack, <br />H. Curtis Bowens, and Gerald Lenthall. <br />The Board agreed that an adjustment should be made on the personal <br />property of Jay Byron Nicholas as Mr. Nichols owned a motorcycle trailor <br />and not a traveling trailor as assessed. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and adopted to deny the appeal request of those persons <br />listed, except for Jay B. Nicholas. <br />Upon motion of Commissoner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner <br />Pinney, it was moved and adopted to substain the appeal of Mr. Nicholas <br />and reduce this evaluation by $1,060 due to a clerical error by the <br />Tax Department. <br />Item 13: The Tax Supervisor recommends that tax refunds enumerated <br />on attachment #10 be granted. <br />Ada L. Hooper - The Tax Supervisor stated that this building was <br />erroneously assessed with this vacant parcel in 1973 revaluation; <br />The building valuation should be deleted. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney,.seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adapted to grant the refund of $169.88 to <br />Ms. Hooper. <br />Todd Gambling - Mr. Gambling listed a $800 guitar which he stated <br />was acquired after 1/1/76. This should have been listed as a $150 guitar. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, <br />it was moved to grant the refund of $6.69 to Todd Gambling. <br />The Chairman called for a vote on the motion. Voting aye were <br />Commissioner Gustaveson, Whitted, Willhoit and Walker, Voting nay was <br />Commissioner Pinney. The motion was declared passed. <br />Terry L. $olling - Mr. Bolling was on active duty; declaration of <br />New ,Tersey residency; delete valuation of personal property. <br />Upon motion of Cammissoner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted to grant a refund of $21.04 to Mr. <br />Bolling. <br />Jean H. Bruning - This person listed a 1976 Volks Wagon acquired <br />after 1/1/76. She should have listed a 1974 Toyota. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Walker, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, <br />it was moved to grant the refund of $6.55 to Jean H. Bruning. <br />The Chairman called for the vote on the motion. Voting aye were <br />Commissioner Gustaveson, Whitted, Walker and Willhoit. Voting nay was <br />Commissioner Pinney. The motion was declared passed. <br />Barbara Chaiken - Ms. Chaiken operates a car listed in her father's <br />name. The car is listed in Delaware. <br />