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or not legislation should be proposed under which the Govern - <br />ment might assume liabilities in excess of those" covered by <br />private insurance. <br />Views of Industry on Study Group Report <br />Subsequent to the date of the Interim Report, the <br />Division of Civilian Application requested comments.from <br />interested industrial concerns with respect to the groupts <br />general conclusions. Seven responses were received. <br />The general view expressed in the comments received <br />was to the effect that while it was probable that adequate <br />insurance would be available for other types of risks, the <br />conclusions did not provide assurance that adequate coverage <br />in the field of third -party liability would be made avail- <br />able. Members of the atomic energy industry have steadily <br />maintained this position;.thus, for example, a representa- <br />tive of the equipment manufacturers, speaking before the <br />annual meeting of the American Bar Association in August, <br />1955, stated with reference to the Study Group report that <br />it now appears unlikely that the private insurance industry <br />will ever be able to assume the full risk of atomic acci- <br />dents. Similarly, the vice president and general manager of <br />the Atomic Products Division, General Electric Company, <br />speaking before the Atomic Industrial Forum in September <br />1955, advanced the position that, in spite of the Study <br />25 <br />