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(c) Loss of use insurance: This "presents a <br />difficult insurance problem during the period of <br />early development of industrial atomic power. <br />If any such protection is available it will be <br />somewhat limited in amount." <br />(d) Workments Compensation_ insurance: "The <br />wo- kments compensation hazard can be handled <br />by existing insurance facilities." <br />(e) Public Liability insurance: "The public <br />liability hazards resulting from damage to persons <br />or property can be insured by existing in- <br />surance facilities up to the limits of liability <br />normally available to more hazardous types of in- <br />dustrial enterprises." However, the field of third - <br />party liability presents "the most serious problem <br />as to the amount of insurance available" as a re- <br />sult of "the very high aggregate dollar amount of <br />claims which might arise in the event of a possible, <br />though not necessarily probable, catastrophic acci- <br />dent." <br />In addition to these conclusions, the Study Group (a) <br />noted that "The catastrophe potential, although remote, is <br />more serious than anything now known in industry ", and (b) <br />declined, as not properly its function, "to determine whether <br />24 <br />