Orange County NC Website
Feb -15 -99 05:46P Town of Carrboro 919 968 7737 P.08 <br />DRAFT 2 -1 -99 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CARRBORO LAND USE ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE <br />THAT AT LEAST TWENTY PERCENT OF THE SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING UNITS <br />WITHIN ANY RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION APPROVED UNDER A SPECIAL OR <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BE 1,100 SQUARE FEET OR LESS IN SIZE_ <br />THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF TILE TOWN OF CARRBORO ORDAINS: <br />Section 1. Article XII of the C:arrboro Land Use Ordinance is amended by adding a new <br />Section 15 -188 to read as follows: <br />Section 15 -188 Restrictions Designed to Mandate the Construction of Some Smaller Single <br />Family Homes <br />(a) The Board finds that: <br />(1) Construction of new, single- i'amily homes within the town's planning <br />jurisdiction in recent years has been limited almost exclusively to homes <br />that exceed 1,500 square feet in heated floor area and that sell for prices <br />in excess of $ 175,000; <br />(2) it is in the public interest to have available within the town's planning <br />jurisdiction a diversity of new housing stock such that at least some <br />newly constructed single - family homes are potentially affordable to <br />families other than those in the highest income brackets; <br />(3) The objective of providing some diversity in terms of the affordability of <br />new housing stock within the town's planning jurisdiction as described <br />above can be advanced by mandating that a certain percentage of the <br />homes within new subdivisions be limited to not more than 1,100 square <br />feet in heated floor area. <br />(b) Subject to the remaining provisions of this section, every residential <br />subdivision containing live or more lots shall be developed in such a manner <br />that at least twenty percent of the dwelling units constructed within such <br />subdivision contain not more than 1,100 square feet of heated floor area at the <br />time such units are initially conveyed_ Such units shall be referred to in this <br />section as "size- limited units." <br />(c) The number of dwelling units that can be constructed within an architecturally <br />integrated subdivision is determined at the time the subdivision final plat is <br />approved. With respect to residential subdivisions other than architecturally <br />integrated subdivisions, each lot that is large enough for only a single <br />