Orange County NC Website
Feb -15 -99 05:45P Town of Carrbovo 919 968 7737 P.05 <br />IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES: <br />The ordinance I propose begins Nrilh 8 Cas: line formula that wiu require that dCvelo;>er <br />construct a minimum of 20% of all new residential dwelling units within any develerx. :,; su`i. <br />to a conditional-or special -use permit to be no greater than 1100 square feet per -unO, <br />The figures described in the proposal were arrived at using the following reasoning: 1) ACC*rv,:.r <br />to information circulating In the real estate community, dwarlin units In the aun.y arc w;;ina 2i <br />a price roughly equivalent to St 00.00 per square toot. 2) According to Housing and Ur `an <br />Development Department guidelines, the definition of an "affordable" homo, is one iha; can e= <br />purchased by a household whose income i5 $0% or less than the Median hous-c&hold incoarre f -,- <br />a family of four in the Metropolitan Statistical area. Using these guidelines. Q engs C4�-: ,,y <br />Government figurers place the threshold of Wfordability" at *bOUI $104.000 p2Tune. -'C t!! <br />squarb foot figure is a round figure which roughly meets that standard, and is reaso,:et -' <br />compatible with many available floor plans for entry -level single family snits, 3? the 2_= <br />proportionality simply reflects the upper limit of proportionality contained " mos, <br />inclusiorlary ordinances using price caps(Inclusionary Housing Programs: Poii•;�os arc, 2cticc:. <br />Mallach. 1986.). <br />VARIATIONS: <br />I believe that there is some room for adjustment In the fioures(a.g. 25 -30% aRoraab�e <br />proportionality, andfor a split requirement of - assuming a 20114 overall proportiona'.ity -" it a+. <br />1,100 sglft and 10% at 600 sq /ft to promote additional diversity) in the con;tru r�:on o' t':t finat <br />ordinance. <br />Possible other requirements could br that these 'affordable' unks may not be isola:a = : ,c-m t:.e <br />remainder Of the development either visually or by Infrastructure, and that rusid ;;tts of <br />'affordable" units may out be precluded from full participation In, and acresa to any <br />common facilities within the development and any activities associated Wth any homeowner' <br />a$S*6360n a5SOCiatr4 with the deveioprnerni. The object of these peovisio�s to-& tz� ;,,even-t <br />developers frorn "eating nelghboMoods which would serve to segregate resider c of <br />incomes, <br />Also Mentioned has been the Idea of mandating that "affordable" units may be cons;ruaz—! iv *, a <br />minimum numbor of bedrooms to prevent developers from effie ing `Student' apart ments _o <br />meet the requirements. While there may be some problems with this idea, there may t-f a war to <br />incorporate such a mechanism <br />d, EFRECTWENESS- <br />Anyone wtio says that any piece of legislation is guaranteed to produce art of ttie resu'ts <br />is eitfler footish ordisingenuous. As such t do not propose that the ordinance prcposec .e-e Ls a <br />panacea for our housing dilemma. *i do believe, however that such a measure vii! e,nsU a :ar <br />greaterlevel of divet34iy in new housing than we have experienced in past de—'{65, an-= • :; s <br />wrill significantly broaden housing opportunities for a wider range of resid9r►ts <br />many other market cori;rois. Stich a measure, by discouraging cxtri:sivity a.)d r^:.. <br />W, r _- <br />types may serve to help rnoa:ra(e tnc g^eieral inlationary trend in <br />