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Answers <br />1. False. <br />There are more than 3 million Americans <br />over the age of 85. That number is expected <br />to quadruple by the year 2040, when there <br />will be more than 12 million people in that <br />age group. The population age 85 and older <br />is the fastest growing age group in the U.S. <br />2 False. <br />Most older people live close to their children <br />and see them often. Many live with their <br />spouses. An estimated 80 percent of men <br />and 60 percent of women live in family <br />settings.' Only 5 percent of the older <br />population lives in nursing homes. <br />3. False. <br />Confusion and serious forgetfulness in old <br />age can be caused by Alzheimer's disease or <br />other conditions that result in irreversible <br />damage to the brain. But at least 100 other <br />problems can bring on the same symptoms. A <br />minor head injury, high fever, poornutrition, <br />adverse drug reactions, and depression also <br />can lead to confusion. These conditions are <br />treatable, however, and the confusion they <br />cause can be eliminated. <br />4. False. <br />Exercise at any age can help strengthen the <br />heart and lungs and lower blood pressure. It <br />also can improve muscle strength and, if <br />carefully chosen, lessen bone loss with <br />age. See a physician before beginning anew <br />exercise program. <br />5. False. <br />The risk of heart disease increases dramatically <br />forwomen after menopause. By age 65, both <br />men and women have a one in three chance <br />of showing symptoms. But risks can be <br />significantly reduced by following a healthy <br />diet and exercising. <br />6. False. <br />In later life, it's the quality of sleep that <br />declines, not total sleep time. Researchers <br />have found that sleep tends to become more <br />fragmented as people age. A number of <br />reports suggest that older people are. less <br />likely than younger people to stay awake <br />throughout the day and that older people <br />tend to take more naps than younger people. <br />7. True. <br />Mostpeople gain weightas theyage. Because <br />ofchangesin the bodyand decreasingphysical <br />activity, older people usually need fewer <br />calories. Still, a balanced diet is important. <br />Older people require essential nutrients just <br />likeyoungeradults. Youshouldbeconcerned <br />about your weight if there has been an <br />involuntary gain or loss of 10 pounds in the <br />past 6 months. <br />8. False. <br />Most older people are not depressed. When <br />it does occur, depression is treatable <br />throughout the life cycle using a variety of <br />approaches, such as family support, <br />psychotherapy, or antidepressant med- <br />ications. Aphysician can determine whether <br />the depression is caused by medication an <br />older person might be taking, by physical <br />illness, stress, or other factors. <br />9. False. <br />Many olderpeople can beatcancer, especially <br />if it's found early. Over half of all cancers <br />occur in people 65 and older, which means <br />that screening for cancer in this age group is <br />especially important. <br />10. True. <br />Older people often have a combination of <br />conditions thatrequire drugs. Theyconsume <br />25 percent of all medications and can have <br />