Orange County NC Website
9584421 , <br />JAN-25-99 MON 02:15 PM ED KERWIN •-~ <br />~o one ~- ~ .~ <br />~-___. <br />2tESO~,VITON AUViS~t3 Q~QI~A.q~1 OF THE CHA-pk~a., HII.t, TOWN COUNCn.'~"+ <br />POLICY rrUaIANC~ ~A13DING Cl~#ATHAM COUNTY'S R1C~VEST 7~0 <br />O WASA TO COOPERATE IN 'THE USE OF WATER FROM JORDAN LAKE <br />'4V~ISREAS, 3ordaa Lake represeazts as import Rrture raw water supply option for <br />OWASA and the eitizeas of Chapel Hili; ~ <br />'OVIHE;REAS, the development of rAw and 5nished water snppiies can be as ixztpctus to <br />growth end dc~velopmeut of heretofore unde~c+eloped areas; 8aad <br />w.~BILEAS, sewer lints is waxrsheds, tugh aauonnts of impeu~vious surface, and many <br />point sources degradc the quality and inQease the brr~ment expenses of ont dxi.nidng <br />water, and <br />WHEREAS, growth in the University bake watershed is of concern to the Chapel Hill <br />Town Council and thane who drink water from Univcxsity Lake; ate <br />W'l; IEREAS, the Chapel Hill Town Council beiiiwes that the Chatham County Board of . <br />Commissioners understands their couctms; sad . <br />~iS~ jurisdictia~ abate an intcrG~t iu ptdtccting the 7ordan Lake water supply . <br />P. 95 <br />M~ <br />VV:EiBIt>~AS, the Chatham County Board of Commissioners leas expr~ed interest is - ~ - <br />eollaborating with OWASA oa dcveiap#ng a wa~ar intake system at Jardan Lake; and - <br />~~1~, OV+/ASA has solicited. feedback fl~a~- its cotwtitueat governingboards; and <br />WIEIEREAS, Chapel Hill Town Cauac~ rxogmites the potential envirvnmcntal, • <br />ttc6nieal, and econoatic benefits of a collaborative pro}ect ~vifh Cbatbam County: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by th+e Council of the Tows of Chapel 13111 . <br />that the Council encourages the continued sxplorstion by OWASA and Chatham County <br />of collaborative opportunities far developi~ the Jordan Lake water supply, particularly <br />'the'opporEUnities for collaboration on a water intake facilitp.built on O'GVASA's lead to . ' ""- ~-' <br />serve Chatham County end to be available at a later date foruse -by 0~4VAS:4: - - . - <br />13E 1T FtJR.TI3ER RESOLVED that the Couac;I invites Cbumttbam County. Carrboto, <br />Orange County and OWASA to join Chapel IJill in mtoouraging ell usCrs.and potcrttial <br />users to initiate a study and long-tam plan to preserve 7ordsa Lake's water quality. <br />This the 25v` day of Jaauary,1999. <br />;,,.,; ;; <br />