Agenda - 02-16-1999 - 10d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-16-1999
Agenda - 02-16-1999 - 10d
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7/15/2009 9:05:14 AM
Creation date
7/15/2009 9:05:12 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19990216
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OWASA ORANGE WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY <br />Quality Service Since 1977 <br />Discussion Paper <br />Jordan Lake Options for OWASA <br />December 18,1998 <br />What's the purpose of this discussion paper? <br />This paper provides follow up information to the "Jordan Lake as a Regional Water Source" meeting <br />among officials of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, Chatham County, Hillsborough, Orange County, and Orange <br />Water and Sewer Authority held on October 1, 1998. The OWASA Board of Directors discussed this <br />information at their December 10, 1998 meeting with the intent that this discussion paper would support <br />discussions of individual elected boards as they work with Chatham County on matters of mutual interest, <br />including collaborations or possible cooperation between OWASA and Chatham County on development <br />of water resources. <br />What happened at the October 1,1998 joint meeting? <br />A representative of the North Cazolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources provided an <br />informational presentation about Jordan Lake, the allocation process, its value as a regional resource, and <br />the expectation that only one water intake site will be developed on the western side of Jordan Lake. <br />Representatives from each of the local entities briefly described their respective long and short term <br />interests in Jordan Lake. The central question of the meeting was posed by Chatham County: "Is there <br />interest in OWASA working with Chatham County to develop an intake, even if Chatham needs it <br />earlier than OWASA would otherwise?" <br />The meeting participants agreed to discuss this question and related issues within their individual boazds <br />and reconvene as a lazge group during the first week in March 1999. A date and location have not yet <br />been specified (Attachment 1). <br />What are OWASA's long and short term interests in Jordan Lake? <br />Jordan Lake represents an important future raw water supply option for OWASA. Existing sources at <br />University Lake, Cane Creek, and the Stone Quarry Reservoir, as well as the potential benefit of an <br />expanded Stone Quarry Reservoir, can not sustain the community's needs indefinitely. OWASA is <br />committed to maintaining a viable and reliable range of future options. More detailed information on the <br />extent and timing of future water needs is currently being developed through OWASA's Comprehensive <br />Water and Sewer Master Plan project. Preliminary water supply and demand data will be available by the <br />spring of 1999. <br />400 Jones Ferry Road Equal Opportunity Employer Voice (919) 968-4421 <br />PO Box 366 Printed on Recycled Paper FAX (919) 968-4464 <br />Carrboro, NC 27510-0366 trw•it: oHasa. ora <br />
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