Orange County NC Website
30 <br />Item 16: The Board, at its December 6th Session, deferred discussion <br />of County participation in a county-wide comprehensive planning council <br />until this session. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that at the first Monday's meeting he <br />had recommended that the proposal be adopted in substance and requested <br />that one member of this Board work with a member from the Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro Boards to begin implementing the report. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the make up of the Board in order to pro- <br />vide representation from all areas of the County. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner _ <br />Willhoit, it was moved and adopted that the Subcommittee on Planning <br />Report be adopted as submitted by the Intergovernmental Planning Council. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated further that one member of this Board <br />should be appointed to serve as a liason between Ghapel Hill and Carrboro <br />as the program is implemented. Mx. Gustaveson volunteered to serve in this <br />capacity. <br />Upon motion of Commissoner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and adopted that Commissioner Gustaveson be appointed to <br />serve in this capacity. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that he had an additional item for the <br />Board to discuss. He referred to the Mental Health Center and the cost of <br />improving the termo-efficiency standards for that building. He suggested <br />that Mr. Webb, the architect for the Mental Health Center be asked to pro- <br />vide an engineering study of some of the things that can be done to improve <br />the thermo-efficiency of the bulding, and the additional cost involved. <br />The County Manager was requested to contact Mr. Webb and report his <br />discussion to the Board. <br />Upon motion of Commissoner Pinney, the meeting was adjourned. <br />Richard E. Whitted, Chairman <br />Agatha Johnson, Clerk <br /> <br />