Minutes - 19761221
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19761221
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25 <br />Mr. Whitted stated that after talking with Mrs. Garrett, she had <br />indicated that she would like to be replaced on the EMS Council, but <br />also indicated a willingness to continue serving on the Orange Water- <br />Sewer Authority. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved that Commissioner Gustaveson be named <br />as the County's appointee to the Emergency Medical Service Council to <br />replace Mrs. Elora Garrett. Commissioner Pinney seconded the motion. <br />The Chairman called for the vote. Voting aye were Commissioners <br />Pinney, Whitted, Willhoit and Walker. Voting nay was Commissioner <br />___ Gustaveson. The motion was declared passed. <br />-Commissioner Gustaveson moved that Mrs. Garrett continue serving <br />on the Orange Water-Sewer Authority. Commissioner Willhoit seconded <br />the motion. <br />Chairman Whitted.„statQd that Mrs. Garrett had sent a letter of <br />resignation as the County's appointee to•OWASA, and now she was formally <br />withdrawing her letter. <br />The Board agreed that the proper procedure would be for Commissioner <br />Gustaveson to withdraw his motion and that Mrs. Garrett would continue <br />serving on the OWASA Board. Mr. Gustaveson agreed to withdraw his motion. <br />D. The County Council on the Status of Women has requested Ms. <br />Anne Patton be named to this Council. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, <br />it was moved and adopted that Anne Patton be named to the Orange County <br />Commission on the Status of Women. <br />The Chairman stated that the County Attorney had requested an <br />additional item be added to the agenda concerning the request of the <br />County Attorney and the Chapel Hill Town Attorney to the Attorney General <br />regarding extraterritorial jurisdiction. <br />Mr. Bernholz presented to the Board copies of a letter from the <br />Attorney General's Office. <br />Following discussion, the Board agreed that the Attorney General's <br />opinion was inconclusive. Mr. Bernholz stated that his opinion was un- <br />changed and Mr. Denny's opinion which was in conflidt with Mr. Bernholz <br />was unchanged. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that'.the issue was still present <br />and that he felt the Board needed to talk wtih Chapel Hill to attempt <br />to resolve the issue. <br />Mr. Bernholz stated that Chapel Hill had the option of seeking <br />local legislation which would cure, if passed, the defect. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson suggested that the County attempt to work <br />with Chapel Hill to try to solve some of the problems. He added that it <br />was important that the County take the initiative and be involved with <br />any local legislation to determine the extraterritorial jurisdiction. <br />Cammissior!er Whitted stated that the Board would give the County <br />Attorney further direction after talking with Chapel Hill. <br />Chairman whitted referred to Item 6: Ms. Kathy Hoffer, representing <br />the County Planning Department, will present four plats for consideration. <br />Three of these plats are minor subdivisions while the other is a corrected <br />_ plat.. <br />The Chairman recognized Ms. Hoffer who presented to the Board a list <br />of additional names of persons interested in serving on the Community <br />Advisory Planning Councils. <br />The first plat presented by Ms. Hoffer was that of James Albert. <br />Mr. Albert is subdividing 1.7 acres out of a 9.08 acre tract in Eno Town- <br />ship. The lot does have road frontage, and a health permit has been <br />obtained. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, it was moved and adopted to approve the plat of James Albert, <br />
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