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13 <br />the conventional plan. They realized that a more efficient plan would be to put. <br />in a cul-de -sac and have all of the lots come off of it Cameron indicated she <br />felt it was a more efficient use of the lots creating unified access and not having <br />four driveways coming off of Wood Thrush Lane. It may minimize disturbance <br />allow for shorter driveways. <br />Barrows asked about the difference in acreage. The conservation plan indicates <br />50.8 acres and the conventional plan indicates 401 acres. Cameron responded <br />that the difference is the recombined ten -acre lot M. The Preliminary plan will <br />probably indicate the 40.8 acre plan. She continued that the applicant had <br />contacted her and stated he probably would not be interested in constructing a <br />Class A road. He stated he would most likely leave out two of the lots. <br />Brooks asked about the current covenants. Cameron noted that Woodthrush <br />Lane is existing and running east -west. Under that scenario, lots 2 and 3 will <br />remain 10 -acre lots. She continued that the existing covenants require 100. <br />foot setbacks from road rights -of -way so there is currently open space <br />protection through the existing covenants which would remain in place. <br />Selkirk asked if the current covenants arise from Phase I and IL Cameron <br />responded that there was one division on the south side of Davis Road last year <br />that split three acres into 2 lots. There is some remaining acreage that is not <br />proposed to be divided Selkirk continued asking if phase III is in keeping with <br />Phases I and 11. Cameron responded the density is changing slightly from 10- <br />acre lots to 7 and 3 -acre lots. With the 100 -foot setbacks and tree protection, it <br />would be difficult to determine that there were some smaller lots. <br />Barrows asked for clarification of item #2 on the application which indicates no <br />natural area and habitats. Cameron responded that this refers specifically to <br />those designated in the inventory provided by the Triangle Land Conservancy. <br />She continued that, in this case, it is all wooded <br />Searles asked if the Planning Board would review the Concept Plan again if the <br />change indicated by the developer to Cameron on the phone today was made. <br />Cameron responded that the change, if made, would be a reduction by two lots. <br />It would go to the Preliminary Plan stage without being reviewed by the <br />Planning Board again. She continued that Staff would alter their <br />recommendations about the class of private roads to address the reduction in the <br />number of lots. <br />Selkirk indicated he felt either plan was a good one, but, asked if it is known <br />which plan the developer prefers. Cameron responded that, since there are <br />restrictions already in place to protect some of the open space, she felt they <br />would choose the conventional option. <br />MOTION: Brooks moved approval with the conditions as recommended by the Planning <br />Staff for both the conventional and conservation plan. Seconded by Strayhorn. <br />VOTE: Unanimous. <br />