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02i16i99 09:45 HARMON+CURRAN+SPI -~ 919 644 0246 N0.093 D07 <br />_6. <br />According to the Federal Register notice, the only kind of accident that might <br />conceivably be considered new is the accidental drop of a fuel rack; but that accident was already <br />considered in relation to pool B. 64 Fed. Reg. at 2?39. Thus, the Staff concludes that the <br />proposed license amendment would not create the possibility of a new or different kind of <br />accident from any accident previously evaluated. As discussed in Section J of the Thompson <br />Declaration, this conclusion is incorrect, for several reasons. <br />First, it does not appear that there has been any site-specific evaluation of the probability <br />or consequences of severe accidents at pools A and B at Harris. The NRC has performed <br />evaluations of accidents involving loss of water from fuel pools, generically and for sites other <br />than Hams. However, these evaluations aze seriously deficient because they failed to consider <br />partial uncovering of fuel. See Thompson Declaration, Sections G and H. Thus, at pools A and <br />B there exists the possibility of new or different kinds of accident from any accident previously <br />evaluated. The same possibility will exist at pools C and D if these are activated. Severe <br />accidents at some or all of the Harris pools could lead to offsite radiation exposure an order of <br />magnitude Larger than the exposure from the Chernobyl accident. <br />Second, the addition of pools C and D to the Unit 1 cooling system creates the possibility <br />of a new accident that was not previously considered. As Dr. Thompson poinu out, the IPE and <br />IPEEE studies performed for Harris did not address the provision of backup electrical power and <br />CCW service to pools C and D. As Dr. Thompson points out, the need to provide cooling to <br />pools C and D will place increased stress on the CCW system and backup diesel generators as <br />well as the plant operators during a design basis loss of coolant accident ("LGCA'~, thereby <br />creating the possibility of a new accident. <br />