Orange County NC Website
02i16i99 09:45 HARMON,CURRAN,SPI -~ 919 644 0246 N0.093 D03 <br />.~_ <br />§ 51.25, the Staff must prepare an Environmental Impact Statement ("EIS") or an <br />Envimnmentai Assessment ("EA'7 prior to issuing the proposed license amendment. Finally, the <br />issuance of a ficense amendment prior to the conduct of a heazing in this case exceeds the <br />~ purpose and authority granted by Congress in passing the 5holly amendment to the Atomic <br />Energy Act. <br />In the event that the NRC Staff rejects these comments and decides to go ahead with a <br />5nal finding that the license amendment poses no significant haaazds considerations, Orange <br />County requests the Staff to stay the effectiveness of the proposed license amendment for ten <br />days, in order to maintain the status quo while the County appeals the Staff s decision. <br />F:~CTUAL BacKCROUND <br />Cazolina Power & Light ("CPBcL'~ has applied for a license amendment that would allow <br />it to increase the spent fuel storage capacity at the Harris plant, by adding rack modules to spent <br />fuel pools C and D and placing the pools in service.' Pools C and D were part of the original <br />Hams design, intended to serve the plant's Units ?and 3. Unit 2 and 3 were cancelled, and <br />therefore the pools have remained empty. Now CP&L seeks co use the pools for storing spent <br />fuel from the Farris reactor, as well as the Brunswick and Robinson reactors. <br />CP&L seeks modifications to the plant's design to allow it to install racks and store up to <br />8,x05 spent fuel assemblies in Pools C and D. In order to meet NRC safety requirements, the <br />plant's design would have to be modified to provide cooling by the component cooling water <br />("CCW ~ system for Unit ~ 1. Because the CCW system has a limited heat load capacity, CP&L <br />would alter its tech specs to impose administrative limits on the heat load in pools C and D, such <br />'For a more detailed description of the proposed license amendment, see Thompson <br />Declaration, section E. <br />