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02i16i99 09:45 HARMDN.CURRAN~SPI ~ 919 644 0246 ND.093 Dli <br />-10- <br />lll. THE PROPOSED ISSUANCE OF A LICENSE PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF A <br />HEARING EXCEEDS THE AUTHORITY GRANTED BY THE SHOLLY <br />A11~NDMENT. <br />The Sholly amendment to the Atomic Energy Act allows the Commission to issue a <br />license amendment before completion of a heating if it finds the amendment would pose "no <br />significant hazards considerations," and directs the Commission m promulgate implementing <br />regulations. The language of 10 C.F.R. § 50.92 provides that the Commission "may" make a <br />determinatin that no significant hazards considerations are involved, if it finds that the criteria for <br />such a determination are met. However, the regulations do not require a determination in every <br />case where the criteria are satisfied. <br />Even if the Staff finds that the criteria are satisfied here, it should withdraw the proposed <br />finding in this case, because there are no circumstances warranting the immediate issuance of a <br />license amendment before a hearing can be held. As former Commissioner Asselstine has <br />previously pointed out, Congress intended the Sholly amendment to the Atomic Energy Act to <br />have limited purposes; <br />In requesting the enactment of the Sholly amendment, the Commission described in some <br />detail the actions in which it foresaw a need for this authority. The Commission <br />~ emphasized the need for a large number of unforeseen and unanticipated changes to the <br />i detailed technical specifications in the operating licenses for nuclear power plants that <br />arise each year through such activities as refuelin; of the plant. The Commission argued <br />that the need to hold a hearing on each of these changes, if one is requested, would be <br />burdensome to the Commission and could disrupt the operation of a number of plants. In <br />order to avoid this problem, the Commission asked the Congress to reinstate the authority <br />that the Commission had exercised in similar situations since 19b2. A reracking <br />amendment is substantially different from the situations described by the Commission in <br />requesting the Sholly amendment because reracking involves a substantial physical <br />modification to the plant and because the need for reracking can be anticipated. <br />Pacific_~Gas and Electric Company (Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2}, CLI- <br />i <br />86-I2, 24 NRC 1, 17,Separate Views of Commissioner Asselstine (1986) (emphasis added). <br />