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4 <br />in extension of State Road #1722, Bumpass Road. Their final recommenda- <br />tion is not ready at this time. <br />Ervin Dobson, the Planning Director, presented a preliminary <br />report of SR #1722. He stated that approximately one and one-half <br />miles of SR #1722 had been paved, however, it was the judgemtn of the <br />Planning Director that unless some written document could be pxoduced <br />which committed the State to paving the remainder of the road, other <br />means of paving the road would have to be considered. He stated that <br />he would like to discuss this road and area with the Planning Board <br />to consider various traffic pattern a. <br />Chairman Whitted referred to Item 9: Commissioner Pinney will <br />make some recommendations concerning the facilities study prepared <br />by Mr. Nassif giving particular attention to: -_ <br />A. Space for District Courtroom <br />B. Space for the Council on Aging <br />C. Community Concerns about overall use of County property <br />Commissioner Pinney requested that this item be delayed until <br />after the Board had talked with the County Attorney. <br />Chairman Whitted stated that Item 19: Discussion concerning <br />the architect and the facility study should be delayed until after <br />discussion with the County Attorney which should be done in executive <br />session. The Board agreed that immediately after lunch, there would <br />be an executive session and following the executive session, the <br />Board would discuss Item 9 and Item 19. <br />Commissioner Walker requested that the Board consider Item 15, <br />his report of the result of discussion with Mayor Cates concexning <br />rent of Town property for the Council on Aging use. <br />Commissioner Walker stated that the property the County is <br />attempting to rent is in a state of "limbo" as to whether ox not the <br />property can be rented. Commissioner Walker stated that Mayor Cates <br />had indicated to him that he would be willing to lower the rent. <br />Mayor Cates spoke to Commissioner Walker's comments. He stated <br />that Mr. Walker had misunderstood him. That the Town Board had <br />agreed to allow the Council on Aging's Nutrition Program to use the <br />barn. The Board had also agreed to rent space to the Council on <br />Aging for Administrative Offices at a cost of $150. per month. He <br />stated that it had been discovered that the title to the property <br />is restricted for municipal purposes only and for municipal office <br />space only. He added that the Town Attorney was attempting to cleax <br />this matter this week. <br />Mayor Cates invited the Board members to meet with members of <br />Robert Morgan's staff on Wednesday, December 8, 197fi, from 3:00 p.m. <br />to 4:00 p.m., at the Town Hall. <br />Chairman Whitted referred to Item 10: Commissioner Whitted <br />requests the Board.of Commissioners review a letter received from <br />P. A. Saitta and consider his request concerning use of Lake Orange <br />for waterfowl hunting. The Chairman stated that Mr. Saitta had per- <br />mission from Mr. Van Kenyon, who owns property. adjacent to the lake, <br />to hunt. However, he had been denied permission to use the area by <br />the Lake Orange, Incorporated. Mr. Saitta is of the opinion that he <br />can use Lake Orange for hunting purposes, following discussion with _ <br />his attorney. Mr. Saitta, for the record's sake, is requesting the <br />the County Commissioners to consider his request. <br />Discussion ensued. Commissioner Gustaveson stated that he was <br />concerned about an area which is used for recreation, also being used <br />for hunting purposes. His other concern was in terms of the issue <br />raised that this is a County created water body. <br />Commissioner Willhoit recommended that the Board grant permission <br />to Mr. Saitta until such time as the Board reviews the proposed Fire- <br />arms Ordinance. <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he felt this Board had no juris- <br />diction as to what happens on the private property which surrounds the <br />lake. <br />