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iz <br />The motion was seconded by Commissioner Willhoit. <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he felt this action .was premature. <br />He stated, "for how much. Is it six percent now, well it's changed. Now, <br />I'd like to propose a question to Mr. Nassif, and I don't have any pre- <br />blems with Mr. Nassif's ability to do the job. My problem is with this <br />Board and how it is handling the entire situation. Naw as Z remember, <br />the last little sheet of paper that was presented by Mr. Nassif was <br />about seven and one-half percent or seven percent. Now, today, he says <br />six. Is that a re-negotiation Jae, with members of the Board, the reason <br />you have reduced this figure, or is it because of a few articles in the <br />paper. I understand there was something in the paper,,I didn't read it, <br />but I understand there was something in there about it. Did that cause <br />the price to come down? When you are talking about one percent, you axe <br />talking about....." <br />Mr. Whitted interrupted by stating, "Mr. Nassif's proposal, was six <br />and one-half percent." <br />Mr. Nassif stated, "Mr. Chairman, my proposal was seven and one -half <br />percent, but at the time it was put in, when I came for an interview, <br />there was no magic number. You asked what it would be if you were selected <br />to be chosen as the architect an this project. My understanding with that <br />was that this was a part in parcel. of the entire proposal of which a <br />letter was sent to me saying that, exactly the same thing on December 15th <br />(1975) by Mr. Gatos. This was prepared for the evening of November 15th, <br />when you asked me to come up here and that is the proposal of the front <br />sheet of which I gave to the County Attorney. To answer your question, <br />it wasn't based on anything the newspaper said, it was based on what I <br />thought I could do that for at that time, and that was what was prepared <br />for that evening of which no one ever asked me for." <br />Mr. Walker asked, "has any member of this Board seen this proposal?" <br />Mr. Nassif replied, "2 have never been asked for it." <br />Mr. Walker stated, "2 don't see how we can make a decision when <br />we've never seen the proposal. This has been presented to the County - <br />Attorney and it hasn't been presented to us." <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated, "it was presented to the County <br />Attorney for review." <br />Chairman Whitted added, "by our request." <br />Commissioner Walker continued, "and we are here with a motion on <br />the floor, about to make a decision, and we have never seen the proposal." <br />Chairman Whitted stated, "we have a report from the County Attorney <br />as to respect to the contract." <br />Commissioner Walker said, "yes, but not in terms of how much money, <br />what percentage." <br />Commissioner Gustaveson answered, "yes." <br />Commissioner Walker asked, "when did this happen, where was I. Maybe <br />this went on when 2 wasn't available." <br />Mr. Nassif stated, "Mr. Chairman, that was available on that evening, <br />(November 16th) but no one requested me to give it...." <br />Commissioner Walker interrupted, "I don't blame you, what I am saying ~ <br />is, if the Board was aware, why wasn't I made aware of it .•" <br />Chairman Whitted stated, "the Tuesday prior to the November 16th v <br />meeting, we had a meeting in Carrboro, when we asked Mr. Nassif to pre - <br />pare a contract and to present it. You were not there that night. On <br />the 16th, Mr. Nassif came with that document and we got into discussion <br />and delayed the whole thing and Mr. Nassif left. We never asked him for <br />it. Our Attorney has had it and they have reviewed it and they have <br />reported to us based on their review of the Contract." <br />Commissioner Walker added, "but they failed to report it to me, and <br />I am a member of this Board." <br />