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io <br />"The Orange County Board of County Commissioners hereby resolves <br />that the public hearing heretofore scheduled for December $, 1976, <br />concerning the proposed use of the Old Orange County Courthouse is <br />hereby cancelled, it appearing that the said proposed use is now <br />subject matter in a Complaint filed by the Town of Hillsborough <br />instituting litigation agaznst Orange County. <br />This the 6th day of December, 1976." <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, it was moved that the <br />resolution be adopted. <br />Discussion ensued concerning scheduling the public hearing for <br />another time following litigation. The Chairman stated that after the <br />court matter is settled, a public hearing would be held if citizens <br />requested a hearing. <br />Commissioner Willhoit seconded Commissioner Gustaveson's motion. <br />Chairman Whitted called for a vote on the motion. Voting aye were <br />Commissioners Gustaveson, Pinney, Whitted and Willhoit. Voting nay <br />was Commissioner Walker. <br />The motion was declared passed. <br />Chairman Whitted read the second resolution concerning the use of <br />the Old Orange County Courthouse. <br />"The Orange County Board of Commissioners hereby states that it <br />recognizes the historic significance of the Old Orange County. Courthouse <br />and hereby resolves that the same should not be altered or renovated <br />with respect to its present appearance and that it should be restored, <br />preserved, used, maintained and protected in consideration of its historic <br />character. <br />Wherefore, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners resolves <br />that: <br />l.. The Old Orange County Courthouse be restored, preserved, main- <br />tained, protected and used as a courtroom facility together with -- <br />other appropriate court-related purposes; and <br />2. That particular attention be immediately given to stzuctural -.--= <br />defects-that may exist and that steps be taken to repair the same. <br />This 6th day of December, 1977." <br />It was moved by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Gustaveson, that the resolution be adopted. <br />Discussion ensued. Mayor Cates stated that he was in total agree- <br />ment with the resolutions. He asked that an article taken from the <br />State Magazine be added to the record. <br />For copy of the article from the State Magazine, see December 6, <br />1976, minutes file in Clexk's Office. ~' rv' <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he agreed with the resolution, but <br />disagreed with the purpose of the resolution. <br />The Chairman called for the vote on the motion. Voting aye were <br />Commissioners Gustaveson, Pinney, Whitted and Willhoit. Voting nay was <br />Commissioner Walker. <br />The Chairman declared the motion passed. -- <br />Chairman Whitted referred to Item 19: Discussion and approval of <br />a Contract for design and architectual work on the Grady A. Brown School - <br />Building. <br />Chairman Whitted stated that on November 21, this Berard entered into <br />discussion regarding the hiring o£ an architect to proceed with the reno- <br />vation of the Grady A. Brown School Building. Some questions were raised <br />at that time and the Secretary was requested to research the minutes and <br />tapes as to what action the Board took at prior meetings. This research <br />has been done and the Chairman stated that now is the time for discussion <br />of an architect to renovate the Grady A. Brown School Building. <br />