Orange County NC Website
Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Principles for Assuming Responsibility for Solid Waste Management <br />December 8, 1998 <br />IF <br />1. Solid waste continues to be managed as an enterprise operation; <br />2. The Greene Tract remains a landfill asset (with acknowledgement that the current Board of Commissioners <br />has no inclination to bury mixed solid waste (MSW) or construction and demolition (C&D) waste on this <br />property); <br />3. There are no restrictions on acquisition of additional acreage at the current landfill (with acknowledgement <br />that the current Board of Commissioners has no inclination to use the Blackwood and Nunn properties); <br />4. All entities continue to work through the LOG until such time as the County assumes overall responsibility <br />for solid waste management to develop options for: materials recovery, construction & demolition disposal, <br />and a transfer station (to include examination of reconfiguring property at the Eubanks Road landfill to <br />accommodate one or more of these facilities); <br />5. The Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Hillsborough remain committed partners to make an enterprise <br />operation economically viable; <br />6. Reduction of solid waste and the economic viability of solid waste facilities/operations are made compatible; <br />7. All parties approve an Interlocal Agreement after the current draft has been revised to incorporate <br />modifications (negotiated by representatives of each governing board); <br />8. The County retains the freedom to implement fees; and <br />9. The County is not expected to use general funds to underwrite overall solid waste management activities: <br />~~EN <br />1. The County will assume solid waste management responsibility no earlier than October 1, 1999, to include <br />current and future operations; <br />2. The County will accept transfer of all Chapel Hill solid waste management employees; <br />3. The Board of Commissioners shall approve the 1999-2000 solid waste management operating budget in June, <br />1999; <br />4. Until the County assumes responsibility, the LOG shall continue to direct solid waste management, as in the <br />past, including operating by consensus; <br />5. Each government shall appoint two representatives to a Solid Waste Management Advisory Commission, <br />pursuant to an adopted Interlocal Agreement, which shall succeed the LOG and begin meeting after adoption <br />of the 1999-2000 budget; <br />6. Solid waste collection/transportation decisions will remain the prerogative of each local government entity; <br />7. University representatives will be invited to participate in discussions about planning and operation of the <br />solid waste management system and facilities, even if the University chooses not to commit to participation in <br />the solid waste management system; <br />8. The County will pursue a conceptual revenue structure that: <br />^ finances core operations (MItF, MSW and C&D Landfills) through tipping fees <br />^ finances collection/transportation activities through property taxes and collection charges <br />^ finances reduction/recycling through tipping fees to the extent practical, with the balance from availability <br />fees <br />9. The County will finance community benefits through the landfill enterprise (unless Carrboro and Chapel Hill <br />agree to earmark a portion of one cent sales taxes for their share of community benefits). <br />FURTHERMORE <br />The County is willing to entertain assumption by any of the other municipal partners of the lead role in solid <br />waste management subject to the principles and conditions enumerated above. <br />