Agenda - 02-22-1999 - 1c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-22-1999
Agenda - 02-22-1999 - 1c
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Feb 1999 02:OOP_Coleman_GledFiill Hargrave 919 732 7997___ __ _P. 10 <br />Ta John Link, Mao~tger <br />From: Alike Gordon, Chair [~~~' <br />Subject: Lora! I.eglslat~tt <br />Date: Febrv~-ty 17, 1999 <br />As the Commissioners discussed at our regular meeting 4~st <br />night, we need to have a plan for pursuing our local legislation. The <br />purpose of tbls memorandum is to request that you and the staff <br />pi''oP'~ and m"8+~ize a plan ar-d schedule that successfully pulls <br />together orange County's legislative requests and gets tbe~aa <br />submitted m the legislature in a timely manner. <br />Some of the eiesaents of that plan would involve the fiDlbwl,ag <br />items, but there could be others: <br />{~1 }Solicit input from the Commissfonezs and develop a list of <br />1~lalattve iceses to submitt®d. <br />{2) Hold a public heating on March 3 <br />(3} ()rg~ani~ and schedule a meeting with our legislative <br />delegation da a date that would do the flnost good for us in teams of <br />s~e~rtlng our regu~ests and also getting them introduced in a way that <br />gives us the best chance for approval <br />(4) Drs~ft the legtstatioa and obtain Gommisslaner approval <br />t would ilk+e for you atx3 your staff -- Geof Gledhill, Brnerly <br />slyt~, Rod viss~er, and others as appropriate - to craft such z plan <br />that you could recommend to the Cvt:tmissloaersnnd implement <br />upaas our approval. <br />with respect m ilk Hebron ialtisttlv~e, i would like you and the <br />Staff m pzepate a report as vMe discussed at the meeting Last night. <br />The iepcut rook! Siva the flsCal and other hap~ts op the County. <br />your s~sset of the pros surd cow, and Your recda-iloszz <br />Pl~tse let t»e know whether you have any questtcns or <br />cotntueats. 'I'hanjc ynu very much. <br />cC. Stepltert Halkiotis, Vice Chair <br />TOTAL. P, pZ <br />
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