Agenda - 02-22-1999 - 1c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-22-1999
Agenda - 02-22-1999 - 1c
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Feb-1,9-99 02:OOP Coleman Gledhill Hargrave 919 732 7997 P. 11 <br />.. • w... ~ ~ ~ ~ .• ~ ~ ~ ~-• ~,vv,.. • w w w ~w.w~, ~ 717b44Jk7F7d F', kt_'.'[?.S <br />POSSIBLE 1999 ORANGE COUPTTY LEGISLATIVE TOPICS <br />2/l I/49 <br />7bc follatving potential topics for 1949 kgislation in the North Carolina t~enesal Assembly have been identified <br />by Comntiss[oaert, stat'!w advtsoty boardsJeomtnissions, and/or citizens. 'Y'o assist the Commissioners with their <br />discussion, these topics )savo been o,rganizod into two categories -those issues that are revenue related, and those <br />that address ail other issc~. Witb6n those two categories, the topics have been further subdivided into those that <br />would require lore! legislation tpettinent co Qrattge County only}; those that could be either lore! to Orange <br />County or 4LLrwide in their appl'KStbility; and those that would til-aly be Statewidt in their application. <br />SZwuW the Bomd time constraints in discussing ~f is agenda ium at the February 16 tneetfAg. the <br />Manager rxommends that the Bottrd focus its attention first oe those items that would be specific to Orange <br />Cocmty, and second to those tl3at could be s~lieltblo either locally or Stsuwide_ Many of the topics that <br />would be appticeble Statewide are beieg tucked by the North Carolims Association of Commissioners, so the <br />Board's imraediaic attention to those topics is not as critical as the mstterrs that would pertain to Orange Coumy <br />only. <br />I. R~VENVE LSS~S <br />a) lt.ocs-1l.e~lsle-tt~ <br />1. School uapsict tau, to replace school impsct fee <br />2. Eutcrtaimoent tax <br />bj I,o~al/Stat~eewide <br />1. County authority to kvy land aansfer taxes <br />2. Authariry far counties to kvy additional sales razes <br />3. Addtbottsl aae c~ asks tax that might be allocated to school caPi~ <br />4. Addition of Oran County to list of courtier authorized to garnish/levylatmch for payment of <br />F.MS f+aes <br />S. Payment in lieu of taxation for UNC' properties <br />6. itequire other jurisdictions to reirnbucse Sheriff's Department far pr.7viding transport foe <br />involnutary commitment of mental health patients (from UNC Hospitals) residing in thoso other <br />jurisdictions <br />7. DefsEra! of accrued taxes when agricuhural propCrty changes hands from fsnnor to fanner <br />S. Allowing fauns enrolled in Voluntary Agricultural Districts to defer 50•/. of their property taxes <br />9. Exempting farms in Voluntary A$ricultura! Districts with land in conservation easemems from <br />property taxes cm that land <br />l d. Facemptiag farms enrolled in Voluntary Agricultural Districts from property taxes oa farm <br />buildings, maChiady and equipment <br />c) Stasswide <br />i. Expanded menu of county revenue sources <br />2. Increased Stain role in paying t~ costs of Medicaid <br />3. R®storiAg growth in reimburserneats for lest local property tax revasua <br />4, 5tat+o funding for irureased so6ool utility costs <br />5. Local goveravOent exemption from State sales taxes (to supplant current rcinnbursament approach) <br />6. lttet~ased court fees m provide counties with reve>tuc for court fuitities <br />7. laareasad lylmdicsre reitnbursanenu for County EMS bills <br />g. Opposition to measures to restrict armua! increase in the valuation of real property to 2•i6 <br />9. Prevent tax base az+ogioa that would occur front proprrey tax exemption far ~c-profit ratiremeat <br />facilities <br />
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