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Commissioner Pinney called for the quest., and the Chairman called fox <br />the vote. All members of the Board voted aye and the motion was declared <br />passed. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to the request previously made by Mayor <br />Cates to schedule a public meeting to discuss moving the museum from <br />the ~1d Gourthouse. <br />The Board scheduled Wednesday, December 8, 1976, at 7:30 p.m. for <br />this meeting to be in the Commissioners' Room of the Gourthouse. <br />The Clerk was instructed to notify all the writers of the letters <br />concerning the moving of the museum and inform them of the scheduled <br />meeting. <br />Mrs. Garrett referred to Item 11-8: A standard form contract for <br />Architectural and Engineering Services at the Old Grady Brown School and <br />Orange County Jail with Joseph Massif. <br />The Chairman stated that she had received a telephone call from a <br />local architectural firm in the County sho had stated that they were under <br />the impression that an opportunity would be extended to other architectural <br />firms to make a proposal for the design of the Grady Brown and Jail. <br />Discussion ensued between members of the Board as to their recollec- <br />tion of what was said during the time that the different architects were <br />being considered. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that he felt it was wise to continue <br />"with the special relationship with someone who has already been through <br />the study and knows the Gounty in relationship to the study." Commis- <br />sioner Gustaveson moved that the Board continue with that same special <br />relationship with Mr. Massif to perform the architectural and engineering <br />services at the Old Grady Brown School and Orange County Jail. The motion <br />was seconded by Commissioner Whitted. <br />Robert Anderson of City Planning and Axchitectual Associates spoke to <br />the Board. He stated that from the newspaper, he had read that the Board <br />was about to approve a Contract for Architectual and Engineering Services. <br />He stated, "it took me back to my interview with you all, and 2 have dis- <br />cussed this with other architects that were also interviewed and my re- <br />collection was that we were being interviewed for a specific study and that <br />there would be no commitment to anyone beyond that point. If you remember, <br />you were handed a paper which showed our proposal. Tt listed the firms and <br />their proposals and the amount they proposed to charge. When we were not <br />selected, I inquired with your Chairman and asked to be informed as to the <br />compelling factors for the selection since that paper indicated that our <br />fees were lower than the firm selected. I got a letter from the Chairman <br />which quilted to me the Resolution, but indicated that the discussion of the <br />Commissioners, the factors that were pointed out, were relative to the <br />architectual fee of the Grady Brown School, as well as the consultant's <br />fee for the total study." He stated that the Chairman indicated after a <br />meeting that Mr. Anderson should not be concerned that there would be an <br />opportunity for the architect to make proposals later on. He stated that <br />it had been indicated to him that the contract fee for the architectural <br />work was lowered by the firm selected than what was shown on the paper. <br />Mr. Andrewson stated that his firm was disappointed and had hoped <br />that since this was a local job and everyone was interested in it, that <br />possibly the job could be divided between competent architects in order <br />that others might have an opportunity to contribute. <br />Commissioner Walker stated that he felt it was the understanding, <br />at that time, that the Board would invite other architects back in when <br />the Board was ready to proceed with the facility study. He stated further <br />that he felt the Board should invite architects. in, hear them, and "take <br />low bid, like we always do." <br />Aiscussion ensued. Commissioner Walker asked Commissioner Gustaveson <br />to table his motion until such time as the Board could evaluate other pro- <br />posals of other architects. <br />