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PROTECTION OF EXIS'i'T�tG VEfTETATION <br />*Amended On any land for which application for subdivision approval has been <br />10/3188 made after the effective date of this ordinance, no person, firm or <br />corporation shall remove or cause to be 'removed any trees or other <br />vegetation except in accordance with approved plans. <br />*IV'B-8-c-1 DESIGNATION OF TREE PROTErTrON AREA <br />*Amended Existing trees, regardless of size, shall not be cut or otherwise <br />10/3/88 damaged or destroyed within a primary tree protection area, and <br />1/4/94 existing trees having a diameter of one (1) foot or greater, as measured <br />four and one -half (4.5) feet above ground level, shall not be cut, <br />damaged or destroyed within a secondary tree protection area defined <br />as follows: <br />(a) Primary Tree Protection Area. That portion of a lot which is to <br />be used for required recreationlopen space area; front, side and <br />rear yard setback areas; and Land Use Buffers as required by <br />this Ordinance and the Orange County Zoning Ordinance. <br />(b) Secondary Tree Protection Area. Any portion of a lot not <br />included within the Primary Tree Protection Area. <br />EXCEPTIONS . <br />*Amended <br />10 -3 <br />Upon approval of a final plat for a minor subdivision, or a preliminary <br />-88 <br />plat for a major subdivision, trees may be removed only from <br />designated street rights -of -way and utility and/or storm water drainage <br />easements. <br />In cases* where retention of existing trees would create unusual hardship <br />or development problems in building sites, recreation%open space; °. <br />_..:"*,'. ': <br />setback and/or buffer areas, the Planning Director shall determine when <br />. , <br />such hardships exist and may designate areas that may be exempt from <br />'and <br />tree protection may approve.replacement of trees removed from <br />such areas The Planning Director may approve the planting of new <br />trees if one or more of the following exists: <br />(a) Necessity to remove trees in order to survey existing and/or <br />proposed Property lines and easements; <br />(b) Necessity to remove diseased trees or trees weakened by age, <br />storm, fire, or. other injury; <br />!� <br />(c) Necessity to remove trees in order to construct proposed <br />improvements, as a result of the need for access of construction <br />equipment around proposed buildings, the need for construction,: <br />access to the lot, and the need to alter the existing grade of the <br />site or to install utilities and/or drainage structures; and <br />AA , <br />