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NMI <br />Emily Cameron Page 2 <br />Orange County Planning Department <br />July 29, 1998 <br />Within the wooded area of the site, the applicant proposes two exceptions for tree <br />clearing as permitted by the Orange County Subdivision Ordinance. These are: <br />1) In the 13 acres of woodland to be preserved, the applicant proposes to selec- <br />tively prune or remove diseased trees and those weakened by age, and <br />2) In the wooded areas of the site which will be developed with homes, recrea- <br />tion facilities, roadways, utilities, and stormwater management facilities; the <br />applicant proposes the clearing of existing vegetation. Approximately 130 of <br />the 241 lots on the site will need to have some or most of the existing vegeta- <br />tion removed in order to build homes on the 7,500 — 8,000 square feet lots that <br />are proposed. The need for clearing on these lots is the result of the desire to <br />provide homes in a moderate price range in an efficient and cost conscious <br />manner. <br />Approximately 21 wooded acres are within these lots. After construction is com- <br />pleted, approximately 400 new trees will be planted on the lots for which the <br />clearing exemption is requested. The quantity and placement of these new'trees <br />after construction will be in accordance with the street tree and side -rear yard tree <br />planting requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. <br />The applicant believes that the exceptions being requested are fully consistent <br />with the concept of cluster single - family home development at the proposed over- <br />all density of 2.8 dwelling units per acre. The applicant also believes that the re- <br />tained 13 acres of existing vegetation combined with the 940± required street tree <br />and side -rear yard tree plantings and the 830± new buffer plantings will provide <br />an attractive and functional vegetation environment for residents of Lawrence <br />Park and nearby residents. <br />Sincerely, <br />THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. <br />Scott Radway, AICP <br />Senior Project Manager, <br />SOR./sr <br />cc: Scott Murray, East West Partners <br />