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04. <br />APPENDIX A TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH <br />WATER/SEWER EXTENSION CONTRACT <br />Inc. <br />Project: Lawrence Park S/D <br />Developer agrees to satisfy the following conditions in addition to those set forth in the <br />WATER/SEWER EXTENSION CONTRACT before the Town will permit the connection of improvements <br />constructed for the above referenced project to the Town water and sewer system: <br />1. Developer shall pay all capital facilities fees for each of the four Phases (totaling 237 lots) contained <br />in the Project prior to beginning construction for that phase. The fees shall be assessed at $3,600.00 <br />per residence for water and sewer combined. <br />2. Developer shall pay a $100 meter fee per residence payable at the time each meter is installed. <br />3. A perpetual maintenance fee of $38,640 shall be due upon acceptance of the wastewater lift station <br />by the Town. <br />4.. Developer shall design, permit, and construct all off -site utility improvements prior to constructing <br />any onsite. utilities. Alternatively, the Developer may post with the Town of Hillsborough a letter <br />of credit for 110% of the estimated cost of the off -site water and sewer construction, and then may <br />proceed with the on -site construction, but in no case shall utility service be initiated until both off - <br />site and on -site construction is complete and approved and accepted by the Town. <br />These facilities shall include, but not be limited to: <br />— a wastewater lift station to serve the development plus 50 additional units. <br />force main from this pump station to Lawrence Road. <br />8" gravity sewer line from Lawrence Road to the Meadowlands <br />a water booster pump may be required to ensure proper pressure to the surrounding <br />customers; such booster pump station to be sized to serve the domestic water needs for the <br />roughly 120 customers currently on the water system in the vicinity of the proposed <br />Lawrence Park Subdivision. <br />5. All on -site and off -site utilities shall be installed per Town standards once the plans have been <br />approved by the Town Engineer. <br />6. For a period of ten years from the date of this instrument, the town will collect and reimburse <br />Developer front footage fees for any direct tie -ins to the gravity extension by new customers. <br />7. The Town shall reimburse the Developer 17.2% of the cost of the wastewater pump station and its <br />perpetual maintenance fee (to compensate for the capacity being made available for 50 adjacent <br />residences); and the Town shall reimburse the Developer 33% of the cost of the water booster pump <br />station (if it is required to be installed), to compensate for the enhanced service received by the <br />roughly 120 water customers in the vicinity of the Lawrence Park Subdivision. These <br />reimbursements shall be tenured in the form of a credit for the fees due prior to Phase I. <br />