Orange County NC Website
Town <br />of <br />ills S1 n" 1 7, <br />I-McNeeley DuBose <br />Meadowrnont Farms, LLC <br />Box 2804 <br />Durham, NC 27715 <br />Dear Mr. DuBose: <br />031 <br />-D <br />Nov - 6 <br />gh... 5 -�Sbo� <br />-rP M C, c4 77 <br />October 31, 1997 <br />Pursuant to your October Th letter request to Mayor Johnson for water and sewer services from the Town <br />of Hillsborough, the Town offers the following response regarding the extensions that will be required to <br />serve your property: <br />Water connection to the 12" water main in US 70-A is acceptable. <br />Town policy dictates that gravity sewer be run where possible, either in part or wh6le to <br />reach new development. A portion of the sewer extension required will need to be gravity <br />10 <br />sewer. This portion is eligible for front footage reimbursements pursuant to the Town <br />Code (and eventual WIS. agreement) for direct tie-ons. .. . .. '. : • <br />All onsite and off-site utility improvements shall be installed per Town Standards and meet <br />the approvil of the Town Engineer. <br />The To*n has concurrently received a request for service from the Highwoods Mobile <br />Home Park Oust east of your property) due to a failing onsite disposal system. By copy of <br />this letter I am requesting that your engineer meet with 'myself and the engineer for the <br />mobile home park to coordinate the design and installation of a combined pump station, <br />force main and gravity system. This system will serve both properties and costs can be <br />appropriately apportioned. Project costs can therefor be reduced for both properties along <br />with eliminating redundant facilities. <br />All appropriate utility fees shall be paid for any proposed development prior to <br />construction. <br />Please call With any questions. <br />Sincerel <br />Thomas E. Ha PE <br />Town Engineer/Utilities Director <br />cc: Mayor Johnson <br />Craig Morgan <br />John Mcadams <br />101 East Orange Street * P.O. Box 429 • Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br />