Agenda - 02-22-1999 - 1a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-22-1999
Agenda - 02-22-1999 - 1a
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Last modified
8/7/2015 11:24:54 AM
Creation date
7/13/2009 3:58:32 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19990222
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
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Jul 16 Se 05:06P PCDInc <br />030 <br />(9191981 -6579 P.3 <br />2. There is evidence of a °right- of -wray° around Lori Drive but no evidence that it <br />has ever been dedicated to NCDOT. In fact, NCDOT professes no know- <br />ledge of the road whatever from an ownership or maintenance standpoint. <br />Further, it is not clear to' us from any documents discovered so far who the <br />owner of the right -of way is. In the absence of such.a dedication, we befeve <br />that we have no legal right to enter onto this property to make improvements <br />should the county require us to do so. <br />3. It appears that for an extended period of time, Lori Drive has functioned as a <br />private driveway for a limited number of lots. We have no evidence nor <br />indication that the property owners along Lori Drive would be supportive of <br />this type of connection .whether existing Lori Drive is improved or not We <br />further feel that this is not a matter that we should be required to determine, <br />more properly a matter between the county and these residents. <br />We conclude that the matter of the connection to Lori Drive is one that is legitimately <br />beyond the. scope of the Lawrence Park project We, therefore, request that our <br />requirement related to Lori Drive be limited to extending a road to our property line <br />which could be connected to existing Lori Drive, but that the connection not be made <br />until such time as the residents, the county and the NCDOT have resolved .issues <br />relative to ownership and maintenance of existing Lori Drive. We further request that <br />once those determinations are made, the county request improvement of the existing <br />section of Lori Drive be made by NCDOT in whatever fashion is satisfactory to NCDOT <br />and the current residents of Lori Drive. <br />If you would tike to discuss this situation further, we would be pleased to talk with you at <br />any time. <br />Best regards, <br />G . ge ichbaum, Jr. <br />Pre ident <br />cc: Roger Perry <br />Scott Murray <br />Jim Wiley <br />
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