Orange County NC Website
Jul 16 98 05:O6p PCDInc <br />(919)981 -65 79 02ti f -2 <br />Planned Community Development, -Inc. <br />6gaa Slade HMI had <br />Raleigh, N(z7615 <br />July 16, 1998 <br />Emily Cameron <br />Orange County Planning Department <br />306F Revere Road <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Dear Emily: <br />In regards to the Lawrence Park subdivision application, there are two* items in your <br />follow -up comments that I wish to address in this letter. <br />The first is in reference to the signage for the project. It is my understanding, based on <br />discussion with you, that the 16 square foot limit is measured in the sign face proper, <br />and does not include any appurtenant structures such as walls or columns, pedestals or <br />other types of features that may be used in an entrance landscaping statement. If I am <br />correct in that understanding, then this sign requirement is satisfactory with us, and we <br />will attempt to provide a diagram of such signage in the near future.. <br />The second item is of considerably greater consequence. It was our original under- <br />standing that we were being requested to connect our internal street system to existing <br />Lori Drive in keeping with the county's desire to promote interconnectivity between <br />various neighborhoods. It is now my understanding that not only are we being required <br />to connect to Lori Drive, but we are being required to improve Lori Drive all the way to <br />its intersection with Lannie Drive. We have serious concern about this requirement for a <br />number of reasons. <br />1. We do not believe it is appropriate to require improvements off -site from the <br />Lawrence Park property which have no direct benefit to the community we are <br />developing. Traffic studies indicate that no more than 50/6 of our total traffic <br />would use Lori Drive for access. While we do not disagree with and, in fact, <br />support the general desire of the county to have interconnective streets <br />among neighborhoods, we believe that our obligation ends at our property <br />line. This is especially true where the connecting street is of such minor value <br />from a traffic distribution standpoint. <br />