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004 <br />half and the southern boundary is wooded with a mixture of mature pines and <br />hardwoods. <br />Almost the entire site slopes at gradients less than 7.5%. Near the center of the site <br />is a "saddle" in the topography, i.e., a flat area between two ridges where slopes are <br />near 2% or less. <br />The Plan involves two proposals. One proposal involves a rezoning, planned <br />development and Class A Special Use Permit with 237 lots (2.8 units per acre) and <br />26.01 acres (31 %) open space including 7.07 acres of improved recreation area. <br />This proposal involves a zoning atlas amendment from Rural Residential (Rl) to <br />Planned Development Housing R3 ( PD-H-R3). The second proposal involves <br />rezoning an area from RI to R2 along the new entrance road off US 70A. This <br />involves 3.275 acres with 7 residential lots proposed. Four lots are proposed on the <br />east side and three on the west side of the entrance road. The second proposal was <br />considered at the November 23, 1998 Public Hearing and has already been referred <br />to the Planning Board for a recommendation. <br />New public roads are proposed with entrances on Lawrence Road and on US 70A <br />A traffic impact study has been submitted and turn lanes are proposed on Lawrence <br />Road and US 70A. One more access point was recommended during concept plan <br />approval, either from Lori Drive or on the east side of the proposed subdivision to <br />connect with Piney Grove Church Road. The developers chose to connect with Lori <br />Drive. <br />Public water and sewer service from the Town of Hillsborough will be extended to <br />serve the proposed lots. Water lines exist on Lawrence Road and US 70A. Sewer <br />service will be extended to the site from the Meadowlands development. <br />In a 5 to 3 vote the Planning Board approved the Concept Plan for Lawrence Park in <br />their April 1, 1998, meeting. Minutes from this meeting are attached. <br />November 23, 1998 Public Hearing Comments <br />Mr. George Krichbaum, Mr. Tom Heaffner, and Mr. Scott Murray spoke in favor of <br />the proposal. <br />Mr. James Singleton, Mr. Scott Ray, Mr. Jim Ray, Mr. Bob Bateman, Mr. James <br />Klemic, Mr. Bill Hendrickson, and Mr. Lawrence Bohns spoke against the proposal. <br />The Public Hearing was adjourned until February 22, 1999 to receive farther <br />information. Please see attached November 23, 1998 Draft Public Hearing Minutes. <br />Commissioner Brown asked for information on the storm water management issue <br />and how it would affect adjacent and contiguous properties, the impact on EMS <br />