Orange County NC Website
FROM : DR.DuEOSE PHONE NO. : 9193838222 Mar. 23 1998 03:3epM`P2- <br />83 <br />Legal Description - 84.9 Acres - Eno Township, $OOX 2 0 9 4 PAGE 416 <br />Hillsborough, Orange County, North Carolina <br />fiact 85.5+urey <br />TRACT 1: BEGINNING at a stake in the property Iine en the East side of Lawrence Road, said <br />stake being South 203 West 400 feet from the property line on the south side of North Carolina <br />Highway No. 70 -A and running thence South 706 East 2,526.2 feet to a stake; thence South 2 <br />40' West 1,090 feet to a stake; thence North 85° 10' West 1,335 feet to a stake; thence North <br />78" 15' West 1,445 feet to a stake in the property line on the east side of said Lawrence Road; <br />thence along and with the property line on the east side of said Lawrence Road in a general <br />northerly direction I,585 feet to the stake the place and point of BEGINNING, containing 82.6 <br />acres, more or less, according to plat of a part of the Lawrence tract, Eno Township, Orange <br />County, made by S. M. Credle, Civil Engineer, February 24, 1949. Being the same property as <br />described in that deed of D. St. Pierre DuBose and wife, Vali,nda Hill DuBose recorded in Book <br />131 at Page 524 of the Orange County Registry. <br />TRACT 2: BEGINNING at a stake in the property line on the South side of North Carolina <br />Highway No. 10, said stake being South 70° East 1,350 feet from the property line oa the East <br />side of Lawrence Road, and running thence along, and with the property line on the south side <br />Of said North Carolina Highway No. 10, South 70° East 250 feet to a stake; thence South 20° <br />West 400 feet to a stake; thence North 70° West 250 feet to a stake, thence North 20 East 400 <br />feet to the' stake the place and point of BEGINNING and being Lot Nos. <br />55- 56- 57- 58- 59- 60- 61- 62 -63, and 64, BIock "B ", as shown on plat of the property belonging <br />formerly to W. H. and T. H: Lawrence made by S. M. Credle , C.E. , A Pri , 1927, said plat bein g <br />of record in the omice of the Register of Deeds of Orange County in Plat Book 1, Page 59: Being <br />the same property as described in that deed of D. St. Pierre DuBose and wife, Valinda Hill <br />DuBose recorded in Book 133 at Page 86 of the Orange County Registry. <br />�►+�.a�rtsasa� <br />