Orange County NC Website
012 <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />September 28, 1998 <br />Page 6 <br />In Phase II, an active recreation playfield sized for soccer and softball will be <br />developed as well as a centrally located park. Although only 120 of the 237 <br />lots will be developed during Phases I & II, all recreation facilities will be de- <br />veloped during these phases. <br />The playfield will be in an area of the site that is currently a fallow. farmed <br />field and well suited for active recreation. <br />The park will contain benches and seating areas, a tot lot, playground area, and <br />open areas usable for games such as volleyball, badminton, shuffleboard, and <br />bocce. The park is in an area that is currently forested thereby allowing for <br />the retention of existing trees throughout the park as well as the retention of a <br />significant tree border where the park will adjoin proposed home sites. <br />All four of the recreation areas will be fully accessible by pedestrians and bi- <br />cyclists. At the playfield and park, parking is provided for automobiles. <br />3) Although the subject site is not located in a protected watershed, stormwater. <br />management and stormwater quality facilities are a part of the development <br />application. <br />Calculations for the proposed development show that about 24.5% of the site <br />will be covered by impervious surfaces. Conversely, slightly over 75% of the <br />site will be pervious in the form of unpaved playfields, lawns, planted areas, <br />and undisturbed buffer areas. <br />Stormwater detention facilities owned and maintained by the homeowners as- <br />sociation will be provided in two locations. Each of these is at the naturally <br />occurring low spots on the site along the channels of existing intermittent <br />streams. The larger of the two facilities, 1.4 acres in area, is along the north- <br />ern edge of the site and is proposed to be a wet pond for the purpose of water <br />quality control for,the majority of stormwater runoff that will leave the site. <br />The stormwater detention system is designed to meet the County standard that <br />stormwater from a 25 year storm event leaving the site after development will <br />not exceed the stormwater from a 25 year storm leaving the site in its current <br />undeveloped condition. <br />