Orange County NC Website
Trend <br />Research <br />Changing needs <br />• need for researchers to establish and <br />in public <br />use skills in conducting literature <br />health work <br />syntheses and/or meta - analyses <br />force <br />• need for a stronger commitment <br />among public health researchers to <br />work toward more efficient and <br />timely translation of research find- <br />ings into practice recommendations <br />Growth in • need for conducting research to de- <br />health- related termine how and which theories and <br />partnerships principles of community and indi- <br />vidual health behavior can be ap- <br />plied most effectively and efficiently <br />to community practice" <br />• need for identifying ways to increase <br />the capacity of nonhealth organiza- <br />tions to deliver health - related pro - <br />grams" and to conduct business in a <br />way that enhances the health of <br />workers <br />Anti - govern- <br />• need for universities to seek more re- <br />ment senti- <br />search funding from agencies outside <br />ment and po- <br />the federal government, including <br />larization <br />managed care companies, philan- <br />thropic'organizations, and state and <br />local governments <br />• opportunities for conducting policy <br />research, such as assessing the effect <br />of changing public health policies <br />(e.g., do the new block grants work ?) <br />• need for prevention researchers to <br />build a "research machine" like <br />bench scientists have been success- <br />ful in doing <br />• <br />Implications <br />Practice <br />• need for more entrepreneurial public <br />health leaders, those with the ability to <br />recognize and use innovation <br />• need for public health leaders who can <br />bridge the gap between private and public <br />sectors, those with the ability and com- <br />mitment to build strategic alliances <br />• need for practitioners to be better trained <br />in ways to systematically communicate <br />complex scientific information to the <br />public <br />• increasing opportunities for building part- <br />nerships with public and private commu- <br />nity- based organizations16 <br />• opportunities to emphasize that partner- <br />ships between universities, health agen- <br />cies, and communities must be true col- <br />laborations in which all parties share <br />responsibility in the development of the <br />public health agenda 27 <br />• opportunity for the public health commu- <br />nity to offset some anti- government senti- <br />ment and misconceptions through the <br />well - established process of coalition <br />building —Le., bringing together diverse <br />individuals and agencies to pursue com- <br />mon health - related goals <br />• need for organizing communities and coa- <br />litions for activities such as needs assess- <br />ment and advocacy, to increase communi- <br />ties' ability to lobby and compete for <br />funding allocated by state and local agen- <br />cies <br />• need for public health professionals to <br />Education <br />• need for linking in -class curricu- <br />lum, internship experience, and <br />necessary job skills (core competen- <br />cies) <br />• need for establishing more intern- <br />ships that bridge the private and <br />public sectors <br />• need for teaching physicians ad= ` <br />ministrative and management <br />skills, and population -based sci- <br />ences such as epidemiology <br />• increasing need for teaching leader- <br />ship skills for public health and <br />health care administrators <br />• need for incorporating the experi- <br />ences of practitioners in classroom <br />education <br />• need for creating new internship <br />opportunities in community set- <br />tings and nontraditional settings <br />• need for preparing public health <br />students to work effectively within <br />changing public health and health <br />care organizational structures <br />• need to better prepare students to <br />understand how national, state, and <br />local laws and regulations affect the <br />health of the public <br />• need for public health professionals <br />to receive better training in media <br />advocacy and as media liaisons to <br />enhance their ability to disseminate <br />messages about public health <br />through the media <br />• <br />c� <br />c� <br />b <br />MA <br />oa <br />'U <br />n <br />m <br />P_ <br />Cn <br />CD <br />b <br />V <br />