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DRAFT 'a <br />5. The Preliminary Plan proposes to develop the property in four phases <br />with six (6) lots to be developed in Phase 1, nine (9) lots in Phase 2, <br />four (4) lots in Phase 3, and three (3) lots in Phase 4. The applicant <br />proposes to complete the development within five years. <br />The Fiscal Impact Analysis prepared for Woodgreen Subdivision is on file <br />in the Planning Department. Section 6 indicates expected revenues <br />generated from this development will be greater than expected <br />expenditures the County will incur as a result of the development. <br />The Planning Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat for <br />Woodgreen Subdivision with public roads and subject to the conditions <br />contained in the Resolution of Approval (an attachment to these minutes on <br />pages ). <br />Barrows, referring to Lots I and 2A, asked how much of those lots will <br />consumed by septic related activities. The applicant responded that the <br />total for repair area and the septic system is 12,000 sq. feet. Lot IA would <br />have 5,000 additional square feet and lot 2A is almost double. Barrows <br />continued that the reason for the question was that she understood, in <br />flexible development, that only half the open space could be used for septic <br />fields and repair area. Lincoln responded that rear portions of lots 1 and 2 <br />also open space; therefore, more than 50% will not be taken up with septic <br />and repair area. Lots indicated as I and 2A are part of Lot 1 and 2. They <br />are not separate lots. <br />Barrows referred to Article VII, Use Restrictions, Section 2 which states: <br />"Single - family residential" purposes may include "light <br />housekeeping" apartments containing no more than one <br />bedroom. <br />She asked if this meant that there could be a house and a one - bedroom <br />apartment on a.92 acre lot. The applicants responded that the Health <br />Department had approved the lots for three bedrooms, so the total could <br />only be three bedrooms. He felt it unlikely that there would be a two - <br />bedroom house and a one - bedroom apartment. <br />Lincoln noted that the Resolution is subject to review and approval by the <br />County Attorney. She also clarified that even though the open space is <br />individually owned as part of the lots, there will be a Homeowners <br />Association which will ensure that the covenants are met. <br />Barrows expressed concern that those purchasing lots may not be aware that <br />they cannot use the conservation easements on the lots. The applicant <br />responded that the covenants state that the developer maintains architectural <br />control until 75% of the homes are occupied, so, the precedent will be set <br />and the plat would be utilized in the sales materials to ensure that the buyer <br />is aware of any and all restrictions. <br />MOTION: Strayhorn moved approval as recommended by the Planning Staff. <br />Seconded by Selkirk. <br />