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DRAF T 57 <br />requirement are subject to change based upon the application for <br />construction authorization for each lot. <br />Access from the lots to Moorefields Road is to be provided by two <br />proposed public roads, Pine Ridge Road and Cedar Ridge Road, built and <br />paved to NC DOT standards. A publicly dedicated stubout with a 40' X 50' <br />(temporary) turn around is provided at the end of Pine Ridge Road to the <br />adjacent northern property for future access. <br />The Concept Plan was approved by the Planning Board (7 to 4 vote) <br />December 3, 1997 with three conditions: <br />1. Access to all lots shall be limited to the new subdivision road; <br />2. On the Preliminary Plan, include a 40 -foot buffer along Moorefields <br />Road as part of the open space protected by restrictive covenants or a <br />conservation easement. Provide additional landscaping for screening <br />on lot 27 between the building site and roads; and <br />3. With the Preliminary Plan, submit draft forms of the homeowners <br />association documents and restrictive covenants or conservation <br />easement which contain use and maintenance provisions for the <br />common open space and buffers. The restrictive covenants shall <br />designate a back -up grantee, in the event the homeowners association <br />is eliminated. <br />The Planning Board, in addition, requested that a second Neighborhood <br />Information Meeting be conducted once the plan was approved by the <br />Health Department. That meeting was held on September 28, 1998 and a <br />summary of the meeting is on pages of these minutes. <br />Discussion included street lights, enforcement of private covenants versus <br />enforcement of zoning and subdivision regulations, and issues regarding <br />entrance from Moorefields Road versus entrance from Dimmocks Mill <br />Road. <br />The Preliminary Plan reflects the following changes from the Concept Plan. <br />1. The number of lots has been reduced from 27 to 25. Lot 27 has been <br />divided between lots 1 and 2 to provide an area for septic systems for <br />those lots. Lot 18 (on the western portion of the subdivision) has been <br />eliminated in order to increase the area in Lots 10 -17. <br />2. The Preliminary Plan includes a 40 -foot buffer along Moorefields Road <br />and a 40 -foot wooded buffer across the northern property boundaries of <br />Lots 7, 8, and 9 as part of the open space protected by restrictive <br />covenants or a conservation easements. <br />3. The Preliminary Plan shows a thirty foot drainage easement along the <br />draw below the outfall of an 18 inch culvert under Pine Ridge Road <br />across Lots 12 and 11 to Rocky Run per the recommendation of the <br />Erosion Control Officer. <br />4. The Preliminary Plan includes landscaping for screening including <br />twelve Leyland Cypress on lot 27 within the 40' buffer along <br />Moorefields Road and Leyland Cypress along Dimmocks Mill road <br />sufficient to meet ordinance requirements. <br />