Orange County NC Website
DRAFT 56 <br />(4) Woodgreen <br />(25 Lots - Cheeks Township) <br />Presentation by Karen Lincoln. <br />The Preliminary Plan for Woodgreen follows the conservation option of <br />flexible development as described in the Subdivision Regulations. The <br />applicant, Tri-Star, Inc., proposes to subdivide the property (30.7 acres) <br />into 25 new residential lots with an average lot size of 1.03 acres (smallest <br />lot size of 0.92 acre). The proposal includes 11.04 acres or 36% open <br />space. <br />The property is located in Cheeks Township at the southern intersection of <br />Moorefields Road (SR 1135) and Dimmicks Mill Road (SR 1134) on the <br />east side of Rocky Run Creek as shown on the vicinity map. The current <br />zoning is Agricultural Residential (AR) and Upper Eno Protected <br />Watershed. The maximum amount of impervious surface in new residential <br />development, outside of Transition Areas, within the Upper Eno Protected <br />Watershed is limited to twelve percent. Adjacent land uses are residential. <br />The total acreage of the tract is 30.7 acres. Most of the property is wooded <br />except for a 4 -acre open field in the central portion of the site, which is also <br />a ridge top at the highest part of the site. In addition, a 2 -acre open area is <br />located at the southeast comer at the intersection of Dimmocks Mill Road <br />and Moorefields Road. Hardwoods dominate the western two-thirds of the <br />forest on the west side of the ridge. Pines are predominate on lots 1 through <br />6 east of the ridge line. <br />The majority of the site slopes gently at a gradient less than 7.5 %. <br />Approximately two -thirds of the site drains directly into rocky Run which <br />flows north along the western boundary. The eastern third of the site drains <br />to the north and eventually to Rocky Run downstream of Woodgreen. A <br />small area of moderate slopes (7.5% to 15 %) is found in the required stream <br />buffer near the southwest comer of the site. <br />The open space will be privately owned as part of the lots and will be <br />reserved through a conservation easement or restrictive covenants. Open <br />space will protect wooded land on gentle slopes, Rocky Run, the 100 -year <br />floodplain, the adjacent stream buffer, buffers along Dimmocks Mill Road <br />and the eastern subdivision boundary, as well as the natural drainage swale <br />across lots 1 through 7. The open space will also minimize visual impacts <br />of the subdivision by preserving the open area adjacent to Dimmocks Mill <br />Road. <br />The lots will have individual wells and septic systems. The Health <br />Department has authorized that each lot contains provisionally suitable soils <br />sufficient to locate a septic system to accommodate a three bedroom house. <br />A PPBS system is recommended for lots 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, and 15. A <br />prefabricated, permeable block panel system is a specially constructed type <br />of trench, that is state approved, that allows a 50% reduction in nitrification <br />trench over a conventional system. Remaining lots have been approved for <br />an innovative type system which is the type of system requested by the <br />developer. An innovative system is one of five types of space reducing <br />systems approved by the state. The design flow, type of system, and pump <br />