Agenda - 03-03-1999 - 9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-03-1999
Agenda - 03-03-1999 - 9b
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Last modified
4/19/2013 4:38:21 PM
Creation date
7/13/2009 12:59:05 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
Minutes - 19990303
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1999
RES-1999-013 Resolution of Approval of Woodgreen Subdivision Preliminary Plan
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\1990-1999\1999
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48 <br />(u) Solar panels and/or collectors shall not be installed or constructed on the <br />side of any structure constructed on a Lot that faces any street or installed or constructed <br />anywhere on such structure if such solar panels and/or collectors are visible from any <br />street in the subdivision. <br />(v) The Declarant shall be responsible for the installation of Shoe Box <br />Directional Lighting for all Street Lights as shown on the Development Plans approved by <br />Orange County for WOODGREEN SUBDIVISION. All future street lights including <br />without limitation the replacement of the original stredlights must be Shoe Box Directional <br />Lighting. <br />(w) No radio, television, sound equipment or litre usage may beat a volume as <br />to create a disturbance. Unreasonable conduct or noise deemed to be objectionable or a <br />nuisance to homeowners, or which constitutes a breach of the peace, is prohibited. <br />Simon 3: Signs: No signs of any ldnd except those advertising an individual lot "For Sale" <br />of "For Rent" and those signs used by the Declarant in the advertising of the PROPERTY, shall <br />be displayed for public view in and about the premises. <br />Section 4: Items to be Ahmed by the Association: Without the prior written approval of <br />the Association as to location, style, type, size and composition, no antennae, aerials, pole towers, <br />solar collectors or similar structures, no fuel tanks or any similar type of storage receptacle, no <br />mailboxes or newspaper containers, and no temporary structures such as sheds, mobile homes or <br />trailers or tents may be placed upon any Lot or the Open Space Area. Declarant may place one <br />or more construction trailers on any Lot during construction provided the same are removed within <br />a reasonable period of time after construction in that area has been completed. No travel trailers <br />or recreational vehicles shall at any time be used as a residence either temporarily or permanently. <br />Section 5: Utility Easements: Easements for installation and maintenance of utilities and for <br />drainage are hereby reserved over and across the side five (5) feet and the rear ten (10) feet of <br />each Lot, provided however, that if the side five (5) feet and the rear ten (10 ) feet of any Lot is <br />located within the Open Space Area, then no utilities may be located in that portion of the <br />aforesaid easement area that lies within the Open Space Area UNLESS their location can be <br />accomplished consistent with the Landscape Plan approved by Orange County for WOODGREEN <br />SUBDIVISION. <br />ARTICLE VIII <br />INSURANCE <br />Section 11: Owns ft of Policies: In the event that the Board of Directors elects to purchase <br />insurance of any type insuring the Open Space Area or the Board of Directors, then all such <br />—11— <br />
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