Orange County NC Website
26 <br />SECTION 2 - LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND SCHOOL DISTRICT DATA <br />Local government data includes information regarding expenditures required to <br />provide County services and revenues received based on the approved Orange County <br />budget for the fiscal year in which the project is considered for approval. All information <br />derived from the approved budget remains constant throughout a fiscal year (July -June) and <br />is changed only with the approval of a new budget. <br />Local government revenue and expenditure information .is compiled on a per capita <br />(per person) basis. Per capita ,figures are derived by dividing the total expenditures for a <br />particular service function or revenue source by the estimated population of Orange County <br />for the year in which the project is considered for approval. Populations estimates are <br />prepared by the Planning Department <br />Data inputs include the following: <br />Budget Year. The current fiscal year, i.e., 1996 -97. <br />Per Capita Revenues: The sources of revenue by major category are as follows:. <br />Takes - Other Than Property: Revenues from taxes other than property taxes include those <br />from sales and use taxes, franchise taxes, and animal taxes. <br />Intergovernmental Aid: Revenues from this source, in the foram of categorical aid or <br />shared -tax revenues, are provided through State and federal assistance programs. <br />Service Charges: Service (or user) charges support numerous functions and are charged to <br />those who voluntarily receive governmental services or use governmental facir'rties. <br />Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous revenues include interest earnings- on investments, proceeds <br />from license and permit fees, and all other revenues. <br />Per Capita Expenditures: Expenditures by major category are as follows: <br />General Government Services related to the legislative, administrative, financial, and legal <br />functions of government <br />Public_ Safety: Law enforcement services and emergency medical services. <br />Public Works: Efforts related to the maintenance of County -owned property and the <br />provision of sanitation (solid waste disposal) services. <br />Human Services: Departments responsible for the provision of health, social, and <br />recreation - related services. <br />