Orange County NC Website
25 <br />EXPLANATION OF TERMS AND DATA SOURCES <br />SECTION 1 - PROJECT DATA <br />Project data includes information about the specific development project. Much, if not <br />all, of the information. is supplied by the applicant. Data inputs include: <br />Project Name: Name of the project. <br />Township: Township in which the project is located. <br />School District: School district in which the project is located. <br />Beginning Year. The first year of the project in which dwelling units are completed and <br />occupied. <br />Ending Year. The last year in which dwelling units are completed and occupied. The <br />template is set to calculate fiscal impacts for a ten -year period. <br />Inflation Rate: Unless an inflation rate is entered, the template will calculate fiscal impacts <br />based - on constant dollars. Since the inflation �xate changes frequently, the Finance <br />Department must be contacted for the most recent figure. <br />Persons/Household: The estimated average number of persons/household (dwelling unit) <br />based on 1990 Census data and- studies of the number of students per household. for the <br />school district in which the. project is located. The most recent studies include A Study of <br />Housing Characteristics and Student Generation Rates for Orange County, N.C. (1995) and <br />Technical Report Calculation of Proportionate Share Impact Fees for Financing Public <br />School Capital Needs, Orange County, N.C. (1996). <br />Children/Household: The estimated average number of school age. children/household <br />(dwelling unit) based on studies of the number of students per household for the school <br />district in which the. project is located. The most recent study is A Study of Housing <br />Characteristics and Student Generation Rates for Orange County, N.C. (1995). <br />% Non - Elderly: N.C. General Statutes permit an $11,000 exemption to the elderly and <br />disabled who meet certain income criteria. In the event that elderly . units are part of the <br />project, the percentage of eligible non- elderly units is entered. The tax base will <br />automatically be adjusted to reflect the exemption. <br />Number of Homes: The number of dwelling units to be constructed in the project in each <br />year. <br />Average Sales Price: The average sales price of all dwelling units based on the number and <br />sales price of dwelling unit types to be constructed in each year. <br />