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down and talk about the total work program in order for the Planning <br />Department to know where it was going in setting of time frames and <br />goals. <br />The Planning Director stated that in ordex to get the $7,000. from <br />the 701 Grant, an overall program design draft must be submitted by <br />March 31, 1977, to the Department of Natural, Economic and Resources. <br />He requested a work session at some future date to discuss the work <br />plan of his department. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item 16: Mr. Gene Owens, District <br />5oi1 Conservationist, will review a new project plan developed for the <br />-- North Central Piedmont Resources Conservation and Development District. <br />Mr. Owens desires the Commissioners' endorsement of this plan. <br />Mr. Owens stated that in 1967, the North Central Piedmont Resource <br />Conservation and Development project was developed which included six <br />counties. Since that time, Randolph County has been added to the <br />District. He presented to the Board a copy of the work plan which was <br />developed in 1967, and explained that the project had been amended many <br />times and had recently been updated to reflect these changes with stata- <br />tical data and project measures. Mr. Owens stated that he was present <br />to request the Board's approval of the plan. <br />Mr. Stewart Barbour asked permission to speak. He stated that he <br />was present to speak against the plan. He stated that he did have a <br />quarrel with any items which threaten his property or which appears to <br />be included chiefly as the result of maneuvering by a small, special <br />interest group. Mr. Barbour stated that he felt this was an effort to <br />get RC&D monies involved in so called land acquisition schemes in Orange <br />County. He requested that the Commissioners refer this plan back to its <br />drafters to eliminate controversial Eno items, or that the Board approve <br />the plan except for the Eno item, ar that the Board approve the plan <br />with the written stipulation that no RC&D monies be used unless the <br />State first renounces the use of condemnation of agricultural lands in <br />the Eno River Valley. <br />Mr. Owens stated that in discussion involving around Project <br />Measure #29, which contains the possibility of RC&D cost sharing on <br />land with the State Parks for additions to the State Park on the Eno <br />River, the feelings were that this would be on land where there would <br />be willing sellers and he did not see that this was a conflict with <br />Mr. Harbour's position. He stated that there was no change in the <br />revised RC&D plan from the old plan in relation to the project measure <br />which Mr. Barbour opposes. <br />Discussion ensued. Mrs. Josephine Barbour stated that she felt <br />this was a threat to landowners who are opposed .to~a part in their <br />backyard. <br />Mr. Owens assured the Harbours and the Board that any project <br />undertaken by RC&D would have local input. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved that the Board approve the amended <br />version of the Resource Conservation and Development plan as it is pre- <br />sently writeen. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Whitted. <br />Further discussion ensued. Mr. Barbour again asked that the <br />County Board of Commissioners not approve the revised RC&D plan because <br />he felt it did pose a threat to his property. <br />- Chairman Garrett stated that she felt there was some endorsement <br />present in the plan and she was not sure of what the plan was endorsing. <br />Commissioner Pinney asked that Commissioner Gustaveson's motion be <br />amended. That the Board approve the amended version of the Resource <br />Conservation and Development plan with the stipulation that the Commis- <br />sioner's Policy Statement on the Eno River be adhered to with respect <br />to the RG&D funds and that all projects affecting the Eno River come <br />before this Board far final approval. <br />Commissioner Walker seconded the amended motion. <br />The Chairman called for the vote on the amended motion. All <br />members of the Board voted aye and the motion was declared passed. <br />