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III. DIVISION OF INITIAL CdARGE-PROCESSING RESFCNSIBILITIES <br />In recognition of the statutory authority granted to the FEPA <br />by Section 706(c) and 706(d) of Title VII as amended; and by <br />Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the <br />transmittal of charges of age discrimination pursuant to the <br />Age Discrimination in. Employment Act of 1967, the primary <br />responsibility for resolving charges between the FEPA and the <br />EEOC will be divided as follows: <br />A. EEOC and the FEPA will process all Title VII, ADA, and <br />ADEA charges that they originally receiveā€¢ <br />1. For charges originally received by the EEOC and/or <br />to be initially processed by the EEOC, the FEPA <br />waives its right of exclusive jurisdiction to <br />initially process such charges for a period of 60 <br />days for the purpose of allowing the EEOC to <br />proceed immediately with the processing of such <br />charges before the 61st day. <br />In addition, the EEOC will initially process the <br />following charges: <br />-- All Title VII, ADA, and concurrent Title VII/ADA <br />charges jurisdictional with the FEPA and received <br />by the FEPA 240 days or more after the date of <br />violation; <br />-- All Concurrent Title VII/EPA charges; <br />-- All charges against the FEPA or its parent <br />organization where such parent organization <br />exercises direct or indirect control over the <br />charge decision making process; <br />-- All charges filed by EEOC Commissioners; <br />- Charges also covered by the Immigration Reform <br />and Control Act; <br />-- Complaints referred to EEOC by the Department of <br />Justice, Office of Federal Contract Compliance <br />Programs, or Federal fund-granting agencies under <br />29 CFR §.1640, 1641, and 1691. <br />--Any charge where EEOC is a party to a <br />Conciliation Agreement or a Consent Decree which, <br />upon mutual consultation and agreement, is relevant <br />to the disposition of the charge. The EEOC will <br />notify the FEPA of all Conciliation Agreements and <br />Consent Decrees which have features relevant to the <br />disposition of subsequent charges; <br />