Orange County NC Website
11 <br />ORANGE COUNTIt . LANNING BOARD MINUTES 12,3197 <br />Cameron reported that there was a presentation by the State Historic <br />Preservation Office defining and describing the National Register of <br />Historic Places and how an application is reviewed and ..accepted. Goals <br />were discussed and they decided to once again study the preservation <br />of the St. Mary's Road corridor. <br />d. Ordinance Review Committee <br />Nor meeting. <br />e. Shaping Orange County's Future <br />Allison reported that the six subcommittees continue to meet, identifying <br />issues and formulating goals. The first draft report is due to the Board of <br />Commissioners in March. He noted that he attended meetings for two of <br />the committes, Economy and Tmnsportation/Inftastructure and Services <br />Committee. The Economy Group is working on issues such as creating <br />jobs, and other things relevant to the economy. The Transportation/ <br />Infrastructure Committee split into two groups. The group working on <br />infrastructure will concentrate primarily on sewage disposal and related <br />issues and work on services later. The next scheduled meeting -for the <br />Transportation Committee is December 9. Allison continued to urge citizen <br />participation on the committees. They would lice to have as much citizen <br />input as possible to be sure that all issues are covered. <br />AGENDA ITEM ft SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS <br />a. Concept Plans <br />(1) Property of Carl dt Teresa Chambers <br />(8 Lots - Cedar Grove) <br />Presentation by Emily Cameron. <br />The property is located in Cedar Grove Township north of Carr Store Road <br />(SR 1126) between NC Highway 86 and Compton Road (SR 1353) and <br />adjacent to the East Fork of the Eno River as shown on the vicinity map. <br />The current zoning is Agricultural Residential (AR), Upper Eno Critical <br />Area and Protected Watershed. <br />The total acreage of the tract is 19 acres. Most of the northern half of the <br />site is a broad, flat ridge top. The rest of the site slopes gently toward the <br />river to the west and to the south where drainage ways join to form an . <br />Intermittent stream flowing to the river. The stream is not indicated on the <br />USGS topographic map and does not require a stream buffer. Except for <br />the soils along the drainage ways, the remainder of the site is generally well <br />drained and suable for septic systems. <br />The property is entirely wooded. The majority of tree cover consists of <br />mature hardwoods. Approximately twenty percent of the site is in early <br />succession as a former field returns to forest. Two large specimen twin <br />trees are indicated on the Concept Plan site analysis. Following the site <br />visit, the proposed road location was adjusted to preserve what are probably <br />the largest uves on the property. <br />