Minutes - 19761028
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19761028
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Ms. Marshall stated "that's right. The flow can't come into <br />the streams. It has to be diverted someway and I think it's going <br />to be expenses for tha dairy farmers to construct these. And if all <br />the County is willing to build the reservoir out there, then it seems <br />to me that it might be reasonable that they would help with the cost <br />that is necessary to keep the water pure." <br />Commissioner' Pinney stated "you are talking about generally bet- <br />ween $20,000 to $30,000 far sediment ponds per barn, and yes I am <br />willing to help because I don't want to see anybody driven out by a <br />change in regulations." <br />Mr. Pinney continued "another question is, now who is building, <br />the County or the Authority?" <br />Commissioner Garrett stated "I've heard, or we've talked about• <br />the County would be building it. I thing there needs to come out of <br />this meeting a committee, some kind of structures to work on what agree- <br />ment." <br />Mr. Morris inquired if Mr. Pinney was talking about the physical <br />building. "Who is responsible for contracting with the designer, the <br />engineers and the contractors?" <br />Mr. Pinney added "and who goes out to try to work with the people <br />in Cane Creek." The reply was "yes." <br />Mr. Pinney stated "I think this is important and needs to be settled, <br />who's going to do it, but I believe T would do it a little different." <br />Mrs. Garrett stated "one of the problems that we are faced with is <br />the time. Unless the County is going to somehow go ahead and say. we <br />are going to shoulder that risk right now of paying for the survey and <br />paying for whatever you know, if somehow that money is available right <br />now, then that could be answered one way. But the Authority can't wait." <br />Mr. Howes stated "that question is premature, Jan, because the <br />Authority can't wait, it has to proceed. It simply cannot turn back <br />on the course of its own." <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated "if we work together during the <br />period of the next twa or three months until the referendum, that we <br />would work in parallel and once its clear that the G O money is avail-' <br />able then we could shift to major responsibilities for the County, or <br />they would be the one who would be financially responsibility for this <br />and have some kind of agreement which shifted the present contractors <br />over to County responsibility. It seems to me that the whole operation <br />could be pretty much a parallel kind of operation." <br />Commissioner Garrett stated "I understand what Jan is saying, and <br />I think Jan raises a goad point, if we are going to come out of this <br />meeting tonight agreeing to things being work out, great, but Jan is <br />saying that there are County resources or things..... (this part of the <br />meeting was last in turning the tape) <br />Jan Pinney remarked "if we go out there :and we work with the people <br />and do it and I will take what flack just like anybody else. But if <br />you all go out there and then transfer it to the County, then I and the <br />rest of the Commissioners are not catching our air share of the flack <br />'to say it that way "'. <br />General Hurow in answer to Mr. Pinney's question stated "I think we <br />all are trying and I think we should plan it together and to <br />as far as we can in this stage which is called planning right now. We <br />are just talking to the people, we are just surveying which is going <br />ahead with financial planning then looking into whatever money is avail- <br />able. This will take a better part of several months and I think this <br />is what we ought to go in tandem and at that point we will determine who <br />is going to be doing that construction, but I see nothing inconsistant <br />with doing it together right now. These very steps which we're out- <br />lined as the ones leading to the construction, pumping and etc. Right <br />now, the talking to the people, the signing, the surveying and all that <br />
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