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~~~ <br />Mr. Gattis stated "these could be added after the principal <br />reservoir." <br />Bob Steward said that these structures would probable follow <br />the building of the dam rather than being bu'i'lt at the same time. <br />Chairman Morris asked for discussion on the time element involved <br />in the selling of general obligation bonds. He stated "lets just stick <br />with the first question I raised about selling general obligation bonds. <br />Assuming that within the next two or three weeks, the Authority in its. <br />deliberation would formalize a response to the County and say 'lets do <br />- it.' how long would it be before the County would likely have a refe- <br />rendum?" <br />Sam Gattis replied that it would take less than three months, but <br />that he did not know if this would be the expedient time to have an <br />election or not. <br />Jonathan Howes asked Mr. Gattis to pursue that statement. He <br />asked, "three months, now the Authority is on a much more accelerated <br />schedule than that. Suppose we were to go ahead and secure our financing, <br />which of course, would be based on revenue bonds, is there any reason <br />why that financing could not be replaced by County financed, County <br />passed general obligation bonds?" <br />Neal Evans stated, "do it exactly that way, you can do the whole <br />thing in tandem." <br />Mrs. Garrett stated "that was my feeling, that we would have to <br />do that, we could not affort -- all of a sudden, the Authority could <br />say, well we are going to stop and then wait until the County..." <br />Mr. Morris interrupted, "you see no technical, the difficulties if, <br />let us say we sold two million dollars worth of bonds in January or <br />December. You see no technical difficulties up the line, a few months <br />hence, six months hence, the County picking those up. Won't it be we <br />are substituting for it?" <br />Neal Evans replied, "I am not sure why you would sell two millions <br />in January." <br />Mr. ,Morris stated, "I think its one million, isn't that related <br />to Cane Creek? We have enough in our first proposed bond issue to <br />cover land costs." <br />Mrs. Garrett stated, "but s thought we were told that we could <br />recall those. Is that not right?" <br />Bob Stewart replied, "I don't think they've have a call provision <br />for a least a minimum period of ten years. Term bonds are non-recallable <br />for say ten years." <br />Mr. Garrett said "2 wouldn't issue these bonds, 2 would just deal <br />with will take several months to work out land trans- <br />actions and to do the surveying, and by that time Gounty money would <br />be available." <br />Shirley Marshall stated "2 would hope it would be available, but <br />one of the things T am really worried about is that we are all very <br />hopeful that the County, the people in Chapel Hill and Carrboro on a <br />different bond issue for all our citizens, that is going to put a great <br />deal of indebtedness upon ourselves in the next week or so, and we <br />would hope they realize the advantages to them in this movement but T <br />don't think we can take the chance of losing the time that we would lose, <br />should the referendum not be passed." <br />Mrs. Garrett asked "but isn't it possible to do this with the <br />options?" <br />Gen. Hurow stated "let me give you an amateurish answer to what <br />I hear is transpiring now. 2 have absolutely no experience with bonds <br />or options, but it seems to me that the element which we are talking <br />about is the purchase of land. A few minutes ago, it seemed to me that <br />the interest of the working together was that the County was interested <br />in constructing a Reservoir, perhaps the buying of additional land and <br />whatever else is necessary and letting us pump the water through our <br />pumping station and through our pipe system far the consumers a.n southern <br />