Orange County NC Website
<br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />AC'1~1(~N AGLNllA 1'1'1M AB~'I'1tAC'1' <br />Meeting Date: March 3, 1999 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 7-4 <br />SUBJECT: 1999 Orange County Legislative Goals <br />DEPARTMENT: County Attorney <br />PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) <br />BiJDGET AMCNDMF.NT: (Y/N) <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />(under separate cover) <br />2/19/99 Attorney Letter <br />Notice of Public 1-leasing <br />Resolutions Regarding Legislative Matters <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Geof Gledhill, 732-2196 <br />'I'ELEPI-IONS NUMBERS: <br />Hillsborough 732-5181 <br />Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br />Uurhsun 688-7331. <br />Mebnnc 227-2031. <br />PURPOSE: To conduct a public hearing on the Orange County Board of Commissioners' <br />legislative agenda for the 1999 Long Session of the North Carolina General Assembly; and to <br />consider adoption of resolutions that outline Orange County legislative initiatives and support other <br />proposed legislation that may be considered during the 1999 Long Session. <br />BACKGROUND: At their meeting on February 16, 1999, the Board of Commissioners reviewed <br />a list of possible legislative issues for the 1999 Long Session of the General Assembly. The Board <br />discussed local atul Statewide initiatives that it would consider supporting of Coltllri011d111g to the <br />Orange County legislative delegation. The Board also set a public hearing for 7:30p~n on March 3, <br />1999, to receive citizen comments about the issues to be included in the Board's legislative agenda. <br />The General Assembly convened on ,ianuary 27, 1999, and has established a March 24 deadline far <br />filing local bills. The County Attorney has prepared two resolutions for the Board's consideration. <br />The first would identify those specific issues which the Board of Commissioners requests be <br />introduced in the General Assembly by the Orange County legislative delegation. The second <br />would indicate the Board of Commissioners' position on various other legislative matters that may <br />be considered by the General Assembly this year. Aver the Board receives public coniivent, it may <br />choose to adopt the resolutions, or modified versions, either at this or a subsequent Board meeting <br />prior to the March 24 deadline. As in years past, the County Attorney can transmit the resolutions <br />by cover letter to the members of the Orange County legislative delegation. <br />I2ECOMMENllATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board conduct the public <br />hearing; discuss the legislative issues identified in the resolutions prepared by the County Attorney; <br />adopt the resolutions at this or a subsequent meeting; and direct the County Attorney to transmit the <br />resolution to the Orange County legislative delegation before the March 24 deadline. <br />