Orange County NC Website
2 (1) Floodways: multiply the area within a floodway by a factor of 1.0. <br />3 <br />4 (2) Wetlands: multiply the area of designated wetlands by a factor of 0.95. <br />5 <br />6 (3) Major Rock Formations: multiply the area of major rock formations by a factor of <br />7 0.90. <br />8 <br />9 (4) Steep Slopes: multiply the area of land with natural ground slopes exceeding 25 <br />10 percent by a factor of 0.80. <br />11 <br />12 (5) Land traversed by high-tension electrical transmission lines (69kv or higher): <br />13 multiply the area within the power easement by a factor of 0.75. <br />14 <br />15 (6) Floodplains: multiply the 100 -year floodplain by a factor of 0.5. <br />16 <br />17 (7) Moderately steep slopes: multiply the area with natural ground slopes of between 15 <br />18 and 25 percent by a factor of 0.4. <br />19 <br />20 (8) Land traversed by underground utility lines (not within a street right of way): <br />21 multiply the area within the easement (or if no easement exists, the area within ten <br />22 feet on either side of the line) by a factor of 0.3. <br />23 <br />24 (d) If the development is not to be served by OWASA owned water and sewer lines, then the <br />25 maximum number of dwelling units shall be determined in reference to an actual yield plan prepared by the <br />26 developer in accordance with the provisions of this subsection. The yield plan shall be a conceptual layout <br />27 of a single family residential subdivision (containing proposed lots that meet the minimum lot size <br />28 requirements of the district where the property is located, streets, easements, and other pertinent features) <br />29 that could be developed within the tract in question in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. <br />30 Although the yield plan must be drawn to scale, it need not reflect any great degree of site engineering. <br />31 However, it must be a realistic layout reflecting a development pattern that could reasonably be expected to <br />32 be implemented, taking into account the topography of the land and natural constraints, existing easements <br />33 and encumbrances, and the applicable provisions of this chapter, particularly those relating to open space. <br />34 recreational facilities, and street rights of way. In addition, the yield plan shall be prepared under the <br />35 assumption that each lot will be served with an individual septic tank located on the same lot as the house it <br />36 serves. The applicant shall submit evidence (in the form of a preliminary soils evaluation from Orange <br />37 County or comparable information from a qualified source) that there appears to be sufficient suitable wil <br />38 within each of the proposed lots to support a septic tank system serving at least a three- bedroom house. <br />39 When a yield plan meeting the requirements of this subsection has been submitted, the zoning administrator <br />40 shall confirm this in a letter to the developer, which letter shall indicate the maximum number of dwelling <br />41 unfits that can be developed on the tract in accordance with this subsection. <br />42 <br />43 SEcnom 3. Section 15 -198 is amended by making the following changes: <br />44 <br />45 (a) Subsection 15- 198(b) is amended by adding two new subsections as follows: <br />46 <br />............... _ .................. .. ................. .. ...... .. .......... .. ....... ... ..... .._ ................. ........ _ ................................................................. _ .......................... .. ........................................ <br />.......... <br />Page 3 of 35 <br />