Orange County NC Website
1 - <br />--_ <br />2 S <br />SECnON 23. Appendix E is amended by adding a new Section E -17 to read as follows: <br />3 <br />4 E <br />E -17 List of I <br />Invasive Plant Species <br />5 <br />6 T <br />The following plant species shall be prohibited when complying with the shading and landscaping <br />7 p <br />provisions of this chapter. <br />8 <br />Akebia quinata C <br />Chocolate vine <br />Acer ginnala A <br />Amur Maple <br />Acer platanoides N <br />Norway Maple <br />9 A <br />All Berberis species including <br />Berberis julianae W <br />Wintergreen Barberry <br />Berberis thunbergii J <br />Japanese Barberry <br />10 A <br />All Cotoneaster species including <br />Cotoneaster microphyllus L <br />Littleleaf Cotoneaster <br />Cotoneaster horizontalis R <br />Rockspray Cotoneaster <br />Crataegus monogyny S <br />Singleseed Hawthorn <br />Crataegus laevigata E <br />English Hawthorn <br />All Cytisus scoparius S <br />Scotch Broom <br />Eleagnus angustifolia R <br />Russian Olive <br />Eleagnus umbellate A <br />Autumn Olive <br />Euonymus alatus W <br />Winged Euonoymus, Burning Bush <br />Euonymus japonicus J <br />Japanese Euonymus <br />Hedera helix E <br />English Ivy <br />11 A <br />All Ligustrum species including <br />Ligustrum japonicum J <br />Japanese Privet <br />Ligustrum lucidum W <br />Waxleaf Privet <br />Ligustrum vulgare E <br />European Privet <br />Ligustrum sinense C <br />Chinese Privet <br />Ligustrim x vicari G <br />Golden Vicary Privet <br />Lonicera maackii B <br />Bush Honeysuckle <br />Lonicem nitida B <br />Boxleaf Honeysuckle <br />Lonicera tatarica T <br />Tatarian Honeysuckle <br />Miscanthus sinensis E <br />Eulalia, Maiden Grass <br />Taxus cuspidate J <br />Japanese Yew <br />Viburnum opulus E <br />European Cranberrybush Viburnum <br />Vinca major L <br />Large Periwinkle <br />Vinca minor C <br />Common Periwinkle <br />12 <br />13 S <br />SECTION 24. Article III is amended by adding a new Section 15 -27 to read as follows: <br />14 <br />15 S <br />Section 15 -27 Northern Transition Area Advisory C <br />Committee <br />16 <br />17 ( <br />(a) There shall be a Northern Transition Area Advisory Committee consisting of five <br />18 m <br />members, three appointed by the Orange County Board of Commissioners and two by the Board of <br />.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. . . .. . . ............... . . .................. . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................... <br />Page 31 of 35 <br />