Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: March 16,1999 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item # ! __Ja <br />SUBJECT: Report on Proposed Amendments to the Carrboro Land Use Ordinance for <br />Implementation of the Facilitated Small Area Plan for Carrboro's Northern Study Area <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning PUBLIC HEARING: Yes _x —No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />- Executive Summary of Review Process <br />- Text of Proposed Ordinance Amendments <br />(Under Separate Cover) <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: Gene Bell <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Hillsborough <br />- 732 -8181 <br />Durham <br />-688-7331 <br />Mebane <br />-227-2031 <br />Chapel Hill <br />-967-9251 <br />Ext. 2592 <br />PURPOSE: To receive a report on proposed amendments to the Carrboro Land Use Ordinance. <br />BACKGROUND: Amendments to the Carrboro Land Use Ordinance for implementation of the recently <br />adopted Facilitated Small Area Plan for Carrboro's Northern Study Area have been <br />prepared and will be presented at a Town of Carrboro public hearing on March 23. 1999. <br />The proposed ordinance amendments consist of 27 revisions or additions to the existing <br />ordinance. The sections cover density calculations, open space requirements, mitigating <br />impacts of non - residential uses, environmental protection, affordable housing, advisor% <br />board representation from the Northern Transition Area, and site planning procedures <br />The Joint Planning Agreement requires Orange County to adopt by reference the <br />Carrboro Land Use Ordinance and make its provisions applicable in the transition area. <br />The Agreement also requires that any objection by Orange County to a land use <br />ordinance amendment be based on a determination that it is inconsistent with the adopted <br />Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan. This meeting will be an opportunity for the Board <br />to review the proposed amendments and ask questions of Carrboro staff. The joint <br />Carrboro /Orange County meeting on March 30 will provide time for a more in -depth <br />discussion on the proposed amendments. <br />RECOMMENDATION: Receive as information. <br />