Orange County NC Website
<br />7 <br />We understand that there are constraints under the law which enable municipalities to <br />cross county lines and make dramatic changes to the character of rural communities and the land <br />use plans which govern them, with little input from county citizens or their representatives. We <br />have come to the conclusion that our community is at a crossroads; we can become bystanders to <br />the development of our community or we can join together and devote our effort and resources to <br />its preservation. <br />In the memory of our ancestors and the residents of the area who formed this <br />community, we feel compelled to do whatever we can to protect and preserve our heritage To <br />this end, we have spent hundreds of hours obtaining information, holding meetings, and seeking <br />advice and counsel from many sources as to the best course of action. We have concluded that <br />the only way to protect and preserve our community is to incorporate our rural area. We have <br />therefore taken the nn^~ssary steps toward the presentation of the elements for incorporation to <br />the North Carolina legislature for consideration during the 1999 legislative session. A-copy of <br />our Notice of Application is enclosed with this letter. <br />We believe that the incorporation of our community as a small rural town within Orange <br />County can serve the best interests of our community and Orange County. We would very much <br />appreciate your support and the opportunity to meet with county representatives with a view <br />toward the establishment of a Joint Planning Agreement, which would delineate the manner in <br />which our town could coexist with Orange County. <br />Our Interim Council Chair is Reverend Carson Tyson, 8204 Hebron Church Road, <br />Mebane, North Carolina 27302. Our Interim Council Secretary is Bill Wilkinson, 8700 Hebron <br />Church Road, Mebane, North Carolina 27302. Reverend Tyson can be reached at (919) 304- <br />3187 and Bill Wilkinson can be reached at (919) 681-4561 <br />Again, we thank each of you for your concern and support; and we look forward to <br />working with you in the near futLUe regarding the possible creation of a rural town called Hebron <br />Respectfully yours, <br />Terry Adams Reverend Carson n <br />r <br />Louise Heath <br />