Orange County NC Website
Full Text ~f House Bill 1361 <br />pr p~ 12 ~ ~ <br />hripJ/ <br />GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA ATTACHMENT 5 <br />SESSION 1997 <br />SESSION LAW 1998-150 <br />HOUSE BILL 1361 <br />~ Fiscal Info. <br />AN ACT TO REVISE THE MJNICI[AL ANNEXATION LAMB AND TO CEANGE T$E CRITERIA <br />TO 8E CONSIDERED SY THE JOINT LEGISLATIVE CCIMISSION ON NONICIYAL <br />INCORP0R11TIONS . <br />Tha General Assubly of North Carolina enacts: <br />Section 1. G.S. 105-277.IIb1 raada as rewritten: <br />•Ibl Appraisal at Yruent-use Value. -- IIpon receipt oL a <br />properly executed application, the assessor shall appraise the property at <br />Lts present-use value as established in the aehadule prepared pursuant to <br />G.S. 105-317. Ia appraising ehs property at its present-use value, the <br />assessor shall appraise the impzovamentt located on qualifying land <br />according to the schedules sad standards used in appraising other similar <br />improvements in the county. It all or nay part of a qualifying tract of <br />land is located within ehs limits of an incorporated city or town, or <br />Ss property annsxtd subject to G.S. 160A-37(11)or G.S. 160A-19(tl), <br />ehs assessor shall lurnish a Dopy of the property record showing both the <br />presaot-uas appraisal and the valuation upon which the property would have <br />bane faxed Sa the abeeaee of this classlLlcation to the collector of the <br />city or town. sa shall also notlly the tax collector o! any changaa in Cha <br />appraisals or in tba eligibility oL tba propasty !or the beaalit of this <br />classitlcation. Opon • zegnut for a certiticatlon pursuant to G.S. <br />160A-37(tl) or G.5.160A-19 fi1), or any ehanya Sn the certiliea tlon, the <br />asssaaor for the county where the land subject to the amaxation is <br />located shall, within 30 days, determine it the land asesta ebe <br />requlremants of G.S. 160A-37(tl!(2) or G.S. ISOA-/9(12)(2) and report the <br />results of its tindings to the city.' <br />Section 2. G.S. 120-166 reads as rewritten: <br />`4 120- 166. Additional oriteria; aearaaaa Lo another <br />munioipali ty. <br />la) The Commission may not make a positive raeammeadation if the <br />proposed municipality !s located within one mile of a aunleipality oL <br />5,000 Co 9,999, within three miles o! a nuaieipality o! 10,000 to 21,999, <br />within Lour miles o! a municipality of 25,000 to 19,999, or within five <br />miles o! a municipality of 50,000 or over, according to the most recent <br />decennial federal census, oz according to the cost meant annual estimate <br />o! the Office of State Sudgst and Naaagewnt if the municipality was <br />incorporated sines the raturo of that eaasw. <br />(b) Subsection la) of this saetion does noL apply Sa the ease o! <br />proximity to a specific municipality if: <br />(1) The proposed municipality is entirely oa as <br />Sslaad that the nearby city is not oat <br />12) Tde proposed aunicipality is separated by a <br />suior river or other natural barrier lrom the nearby city, such [hat <br />provision o! municipal services by the nearby city to theproposad <br />municipality U infeasible or the cost is prohibitive, and the Commission <br />shall adopt policies to implement this subdivlaionr <br />(3) The aunielpalities <br />within [hs dlatanees described in subsection fa) of CAis section by <br />resolution smreesoas-iN oxprosa their approval of the <br />ineorporatioai or <br />U) An area o! at leaf Hfty percent 1501) of the <br />proposed municipality has petitioned,tot taauatlon to the naazby city <br />under G.S. 160A- 31 within the ptevions 12 months betose ebe <br />incorporation petition is subaitted to the Conalasioa bat the anaexatioa <br />petition wan not approved.' <br />Section 3. Article 20 of Chapter 120 La aaended by <br />adding a saw saetion to zaad: <br />•4 220-169.2. Additional oziterlat level o! davelepsnat, <br />sarviaes. <br />(a) Level of Development. -- The Ca~laslon nay not sake • <br />poslttve reeaa®sadstion nnlesa the antis area proposed for ineerporatton <br />accts the applicable criteria for developaant Hadar G.S. 160A-36(e) or <br />G.S. 2 60A-Id (e) . <br />(b) Services. -- The Commission say not aahs s positive <br />rscoamendatloa unless the •zea to be Sneorperated anbsLLts a plan for <br />prevldleq s reaaenable level of aronieipal servieea. To sroet Lhe <br />zsgairesenes of this subsection, the persons anbaitelnq the plan for <br />tace:poration lust propose to provide at lust two of the tollowtnq <br />1 of 16 - 2/11/99 1:38 PM <br />